[quote=@BrokenPromise] I mean I agree, but like, you didn't encounter any bugs? The minecart puzzle actually loaded? etc. [/quote] Not that I recall, actually. Maybe it was fixed late in development? [i]Another [s]justifiable[/s] reason it takes me so long to play most games.[/i] [hr] >Attempted to watch a recent game trailer reveal, and couldn't care any less about what I saw. (Doesn't help that its almost always trailer shots alone w/o any gameplay.) So...is anyone actually excited to play anything coming out soon? [i]I hope that one game where you play as a stray cat doesn't suck, I guess.[/i] [hr] [hider=Doki Doki Thoughts & Spoilers I guess.] I understand the defense of DDLC's beginning, and how its mundanity is all done on purpose. [s]A defense that can be applied to just about anything.[/s] But its all for the sake of judging the player playing the game, and the twist's premise doesn't end up justifying itself. (Or making much sense at all really...) So the villain character is "the one who is typically ignored in romance VN's", [s]who the story itself ignores and gives the player no say in that[/s], and her plan is to make you (the player) hate the other three in the cast by, in order. (So far as a single playthrough warranted.) 1. Making someone relatable and showing clear signs of depression. 2. Making someone honest and critical of your shitty poetry. 3. Making someone overly fascinated with some unique and morbid topics. "Heightening their worst aspects" as the game puts it. Relatable, unique, and honest. The three things to get a guy to run away from a relationship for sure? (Step 2, ??? Step 3, Profit.) [i]What exactly is this game's understanding of relationships?[/i] But if I don't try to consider or analyze the intentions behind the story. All I'm left with was a boring reading experience, that transparently tells you delete one file outside of the game. Clearly, the next Undertale in 'subversive' gaming.) [s]Note to self: Still have not played Undertale and means to, honest.[/s] [/hider] [hider=More reviews/impressions.] "Titan Quest" is the most boring ARPG I've ever played. (That I will remember for all the wrong reasons.) So I had a [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v52ueRrfMSw&t=0m56s]"I remember now"[/url] moment of why I stopped this game so quickly the first time. Because this game (all about killing and looting monsters) has its "see loot on screen and have ability to pick any of it up" [b]turned off by default.[/b] c: So I kept hearing sounds like loot was dropping, yet the (broken) auto-pick up button wasn't doing anything. So I assumed, almost no monster in the game dropped shit for an hour or more. Before pressing "Z" and realizing I had a lot of backtracking to do. (When was the last time you ever pressed z on your keyboard while gaming?) Then after hours and hours of playtime, there was never a single unique loot drop. It felt more like a test on a player's patience, than an actual game. I will just reinstall Grim Dawn, if I want to play an ARPG again. Cuz, my god. This must be confirmation bias, for the people who hate ARPG's and think Diablo is anywhere close to this f*cking tedious. "Murdered: Soul Suspect" is too predictable to be engaging/worth recommending to people who like mysteries. And the 'combat'/demons were so clearly an afterthought in the development process. "Banner Saga" really does not put its best foot forward, and I can see why everyone on my friend's list has so little time put into it. [/hider] And what's everyone else been playing? Don't leave me hanging...