[hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220611/6335be76fded1110a4b9540903d7869a.png[/img][/center] [hr] Martin Mancha hit the ground hard. A six foot two figure standing over him extended a hand down to the boy. “You get overwhelmed easily.” Captain America said as he helped Martin to his feet. “You are too hard on the kid Steve.” Tony Stark quipped from the side of the sparring room of the Avengers Compound. “You know damn well even someone as talented as me would struggle against the Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes tag team, and you are asking him to do it with one arm tied behind his back.” Tony continued. [color=5584AC]”Its quite alright my Stark.”[/color] Martin really found these training sessions beneficial, even if it was mostly just getting his ass handed to him by Captain America and the Ex-Winter Soldier. It taught him resilience. An Alert tone sounded and Tony checked the smart display on his watch. “An unidentified ship has just entered orbit.” He looked up at the other three. “We should get the team together, don’t want another repeat of New York.” Just as they began to move off to get ready, a Sentinel appeared. “Tony?” Steve asked cautiously, recognising the technology as being Stark made. “Not one of mine.” Was Tony’s response as he double tapped his watch and it extended out into a small repulsor glove. “I swear if this if Ultron again, I’m not going to be happy.” Stark said as he leveled his repulsor at the sentinel. Two more beamed in. “Stark, Steve? What do we do?” Bucky asked as he assumed a fighting stance. “Keep the kid safe.” Steve said just before the fight broke out. The three Avengers were no match for the advanced sentinels. They seemed to be able to strike every weakness they had. It wasn’t long before Martin was shoved in a Cryo Pod.