[indent][indent] [center][img]https://imgur.com/kK8sfuH.png[/img][/center] Etor makes his way through the dark corridor, feeling his way around he feels a door. The locked door confuses him and as he makes his way further down the corridor reaches the end of the room he's in. He feels around and the rubble used to conceal a passage way brings a startling realization to light. [b]Etor:[/b][i] "Ambush!" [/i] They had been following along the whole time. Scurrying along like rats. Or like snakes. waiting for the right time to strike. Etor breaks down the rubble and gives chase. [center][sub][i]Etor moves 3 tiles to [b]17-20[/b] after knocking down the rubble. [/i][/sub][/center][/indent][/indent]