Tungsten was already going through a veritably whirlwind of emotions with his new position, but now Faetalis wants them to not only have a human skin, but to think of themselves as humans. Even with the gift of sapience, this was not something that Tungesten ever thought to do, and has no idea how to approach this. He has always been a remorseless killing machine, and never once thought himself human, humanoid, or even remotely similar to most other bipedal sapient lifeforms. He took about as much attention to pay attention to the nature of humans as much as he paid attention to the life and culture of ants. Once more Tungsten was stunned into silence. All he could do was strip the flesh suit off of his body, the artificial mass deflating around his skeletal frame. He tried to think about what exactly Faetalis wanted, and what her words meant. She wanted everyone to create a unique human form, not simply take one from their creators. Tungsten wasn't entirely sure why: were these not merely disguises for them to use to infiltrate the new world? Why invest so much in their meaning? However the more he thought of it, the more Tungsten slowly began to realize that Faetalis was looking towards the future. Right now everyone was scrambling to restore the guild back to it's former glory. At best everyone was concerned about what the future holds and what threats may approach them in their weakened state. But Faetalis did not care for such things. She did not want the Overseers to be a reflection of the past, but the explorers of a new, unknown future. Tungsten was uncertain still, but at the same time he was beginning to see what Faetalis wanted. She wanted everyone to stop waiting for their creators to come home, for her to give them purpose, and for themselves to create their own purpose. Their own ambitions, to act on their own will. Just as humans explore and expand beyond merely comfort, but towards conquest. Never satisfied with merely surviving, but thriving, for themselves. To live for one's own self, and not for the purpose of your creator or even towards one's purpose. Unlike humans, who are born into the world with no meaning or fate, each and every one of the Overseer were created to cater and operate their facilities. They knew very little beyond the confines of their factories. The world may as well not exist beyond the context of their factory and the guild as a whole. But Faetalis wants them all to move past that. So Tungsten had to ask himself. What did he want? What would he do, without his creator, without the factory? What did he want to be? Tungsten tried to think deeply. For all of his life, it has been defined by his service to AlphaQ. To be her shield, to take on her pain. To support her in her endeavors until the bitter end. Though he must now live for himself, he cannot help but think that he still wishes to do what he once did in his past life. To help others, take on their suffering, and support them to become a better self. Even if he cannot live for AlphaQ, he can live for someone else. He lives for others, because that is what he wants to do. He wants to be, [color=aab7b8]"A hero."[/color] Thoughts became physical as Tungsten gains a new skin. Unlike the previous form, [url=https://i.imgur.com/XpOi27j.jpg]this one was not big and burly[/url]. So thin in fact, one could still see the bones. Tungsten has always disguised himself as a bigger, more intimidating form, but his true self, his inner human, was small. Puny even. Not a hulking monstrosity like his armor, not having the same larger-than-life presence as his creator. Indeed, Tungsten looked like one of the weakest Overseers. But all the more reason that Tungsten chose this form. It's not about how he looks, but how he acts. Even if he looks tiny he will fight like a giant, and live a hero's life. [color=aab7b8]"I do not understand what you request, Creator Faetalis. But I like this form. It feels... Comfortable."[/color] Little did Tungsten know, he was also buck naked and letting his newly formed male organ hang out. He had quite a weapon on his person, truly a weapon suitable for slaying dragons given it's size and strength. Likely a physical representation of Tungsten's own prowess in battle. And unlike Faetalis, he still didn't really feel the cold though his new flesh was starting to feel a breeze and he wasn't sure if that was normal or not. He has a lot to learn about being a flesh-and-blood creature. On the bright side, he has some interesting woad patterns on his body.