[@Dead Cruiser] Your post was awesome up until the lime-green portals, then everything kind of went to hell, lol. I'm going to have to ask you to edit it on two points: One, the Sentinels would have arrived in orbit on their ship first, and then would teleport down to the Traveler Scar. So, it would be more akin to "beaming down" from Star Trek rather than using the lime-green portals you mentioned. And two, you need to [i]drastically[/i] tone down Terra's power. It makes the rest of the characters essentially useless if you're just going to one-shot everything, lol. Regardless of how strong she is in the comics, in the Multiverse of this RP, there is no way she would "tear through them like paper" when fighting the Sentinels. All the other characters were clearly struggling against them, and then you have Terra come in and just wipe a bunch of them out effortlessly. If she can so easily defeat Sentinels empowered by and working for a cosmic being such as the Beyonder, then there is no sense of danger as you will likely just have her one-shot everything we go up against, lol. That takes the fun out of the RP. Think of the power dampeners within the Sentinels as Kryptonite to powered individuals. As soon as Terra gets close to them, she should instantly feel herself start to weaken. I understand the desire to keep her comics-accurate, but the goal should be to create a good synergy between all the characters, not elevate yourself to ridiculous power levels above everyone else in the group XD.