Characteristic of his 'over-the-top', and almost cliche manner, Ember practically glides down the loading dock toward the first mate. Gliding being a very apt term-- Long flowing streamers of white, gold and sea-blue colored silks twist and writhe in the air, while simultaneously almost luridly languishing suspended within it, as the willowy individual moves past. Small particles of light and shimmering bubbles burst into existence then vanish in a continuous dance about his legs and feet, producing a mirage appearance of a mermaid dancing atop the waves. Closing in slowly on the first mate, he reaches into the skimpy front of his 'gown', (which is essentially topless, except for thin straps of silk that hold some half-sleeves to his person, which cover his fore arms, and connect to said flowing streamers-- revealing a milky white complexion that dazzles in contrast to the deeply tanned bodies of the dock workers and the ship's crew. Long, slightly wavy red-gold hair dazzles in the sun, suspended luridly in the air like the streamers, waves and bobs as he moves about as if suspended in water) and serenely passes a crisp, bright white ticket to the gentleman, while very conspicuously eying him up and down, then up, ... then down again. "Hello there handsome;.. I take it everything has been taken care of? It would be MOST UNFORTUNATE if we got there, and I DIDN'T have my things!" The grandiose gentleman places a wrist to his forehead and sighs loudly. "I simply MUST look my BEST when I see this years' new crop of hotties-- Nothing else would do! No, not at all!" [It should be pointed out, that people like Ember are precisely who give normal mages a bad reputation for being pompous, smug, and self-absorbed] "And my cabin? I was PROMISED a cabin for this voyage! DO tell me all the accommodations are in order, my good man--"