[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/211026/f1a61579603cd870a703b52620a841ee.png[/img][/center] [Color=plum][b]Time:[/b][/color] Evening [Color=plum][b]Location:[/b][/color] River Port [Color=plum][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] Maeryn [@princess], Myra [@13org] [Color=plum][b]Mentions:[/b][/color][hr] Maeryn’s mention of it being time for food caused Astra to reflexively glance at Myra with a grin. From the young dark elf’s observation, “Food” or more accurately “Foo!” was Myra’s favorite topic of discussion. [color=plum]“The food here is a little different, Myra. More fish and the food just a lot more flavorful down south than any place else.”[/color] She entered the Surfside Cafe, keeping Myra between Maeryn and herself. The many eyes on herself were met with a warm smile. Astra oddly walked with her head held higher than usual, almost as if she was not bothered by the dirty looks coming her way. She comfortably took her seat directly across from Maeryn. Racism. It was something she had experienced frequently during her previous travels across Avalia. Dark elves had been banished to Daka Island, so any that managed to venture out into the other kingdoms of Avalia were either under suspicion or lynched. Who would stick up for the subrace of elves that caused nothing but turmoil and war? Few. The [i]dark[/i] elves. All because they could weave an aspect of the world that many naturally feared. Only accepted by the dastardly, the [i]dark[/i]. [color=plum]“Alaberry juice, please. I’m loving your look right now. Looks like something out of HD’s (Hanami Designs) catalog!”[/color] Astra complimented knowing well that the feline wasn’t wearing anything of that caliber. [color=plum][i]I wonder what that crazy bitch Yuka’s up to anyway with Roshmi the way it is… Probably… As if I could guess with that girl.[/i][/color] [color=mistyrose]“Thanks, it’s something I put together myself! I wish I could afford HD stuff but-”[/color] [color=plum]“Wishes don’t get you anything. Amas do.”[/color] Astra gave the demi-human a nod which was returned. [color=mistyrose]“Right.”[/color] And with that, the server departed to get their drinks. [color=plum]“Don’t look so tense. You look like you sat on a knife Maerie.”[/color]