[center][h1][color=f7976a]Saoirse[/color][/h1][img]https://i.imgur.com/VBTF3t9.png[/img] [color=#FDF2E9][color=f7976a]Time:[/color] Night. [color=f7976a]Location:[/color] Inn By The Sea [color=f7976a]Interactions:[/color] [@Alivefalling] Dante; [@FunnyGuy] Darius; [@samreaper] Menzai; [@Blizz] Isolde [color=f7976a]Mentions:[/color] [/color] [hider=Appearance][url=https://i.pinimg.com/236x/93/d3/d9/93d3d95c3c6aef1c684b3041cbd34e74.jpg]New Appearance from Disguise Ring[/url] & [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/466021461174386714/927276220230565908/unknown.png?width=394&height=586]New Outfit[/url] [/hider] [hider=Equipment] -Backpack filled with brass knuckles, multiple knives, lighter and some matches, mask. -[b]Left at room[/b]: wad of cash, black long sleeve shirt, leggings, black combat boots, and red leather jacket with hood. [/hider] [/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/MtqDU9I.png[/img][/center] [color=lightyellow]As she sat on the rooftop observing the town below her, Shae noticed an unusual sight. There was a girl on the beach with what looked like sparks forming around her hands. She stood up with curiosity and watched as two men came over to her. There was a wolf-demihuman standing nearby guarding them as well. She gathered her belongings and stuffed her lighter deep in a pocket. Her curiosity piqued, she went to the edge of the roof and glanced around for the annoying fairy, but didn’t see her. Noticing the roof nearby and not caring if she disturbed the peace, Saoirse ran to the edge of the roof and jumped off of it, throwing her arms behind her to catch the momentum and pulled her legs up. Once she was close enough, she somersaulted onto the roof and went in between the buildings to slide down. Keeping her arms and legs stretched out, Saoirse reached the ground quickly. She adjusted her hair and smirked at a few elven boys watching with awe and blew them a kiss. Tossing her hair behind her, she approached the group cautiously. Would this group be more interesting? Damn, she hoped so. With a sigh of relief, she approached them. She kept her voice low, but her Irish accent was as noticeable as ever. [color=f7976a]”You need to find disguises quickly. There was an… accident here earlier so I’m sure there will be trouble here soon. We have these fancy rings-”[/color] She flashed hers for them to see, [color=f7976a]”And they can help hide your appearance if you get what I mean. Also I’m Aidan. You?”[/color] She leaned against a tree casually with her arms folded and her hands resting on her elbows. [/color]