[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/tfV5JeK.png[/img] Level 6: 44/60 Word Count: 488 Location: Sandswept Sky Points Gained: 1 NEW EXP balance--- Level 6: 45/60[/center] Jesse slightly creeping Therion out, getting chased by monsters, magic badges and teleporting onto an air ship, yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, just another day in the World of Light. Jesse was no fragile sunflower, but she was no tank either. Her durability was more geared towards keeping herself safe rather than taking damage in the place of others. Still, a telekinetic shield did come a little in handy against the latest batch of creeps trying to have the Seekers for lunch. Soon they were way above the air in an airship, and there was a happy reunion with some big guy Jesse didn’t recognize. Though she was happy to know that the agents behind the liberation of the multiverse wasn’t solely comprised of what was essentially a bunch of hobos. Not that there was anything wrong with being a hobo- Jesse was a hobo! Migrant worker, rather. Well, avoiding offending the people listening to her thoughts aside, Jesse spent most of the time on the airship awake. Sleep didn’t really come to her very easily. Once they touched down, the situation was explained to them. The Bazaar was nice, but Jesse was really interested in their final destination. Gerudo town. Apparently, the place was women only. Like, big time. Which, having spent a lot of time on her own, Jesse totally got it. But moreover, of course Jesse was interested in the new thing. The new place, the mysterious place. Oooh, what mysteries could be inside? Were all the women going to be astoundingly beautiful? Probably. All women only places are full of beautiful women in fiction. And if this place really is influenced by some kind of synchronized consciousness of fiction, or vice versa, than chances were that was how Gerudo would be. Unless, like…a cave full of all of but three witches counts. Which, it probably does. Jesse thought Asbestos was funny. Her name was funny. She was spunky and streetwise. Jesse wasn’t going to say anything about that though because she didn’t want to come off as a total stiff. Better keep quiet than remove all doubt, right? [i]Oh, God. What was that? Who thinks shit like that? Am I lame? Have I been spending too much time with Langston?[/i] The extraplanar entity residing within her soul had no guidance for her in these troubling times. Shaking these thoughts from her mind, Jesse quietly continued onward. At this point she realized she hadn’t said anything since they got onto the airship. It would feel wrong if the entire group that went to Gerudo town was nothing but awkward silence, right? That’s like…minus points for feminism. “So…this oughta be something. Huh. Are we thinking like a secret oasis or what? I guess it could just be a hole in the ground but that would be a bit anticlimactic. There’s been build up. It has to be cool, now, otherwise I’m gonna be disappointed.”