[hr][hr][center][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/6g8onsz41/6a8a04c0ca1b1adbb23631ae5dfd661b.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/GjazZAE.png[/img][hr][@BlueSky44][@Kirah][@Nallore][@Natsu][hr][hr][h3][color=84B4E2][b]EARTH 257 - 8:50 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - the Blue[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][color=84B4E2][b][i]Angel's Aerie[/i][/b][/color] [color=f6989d]"I know, I don't need you all to treat me like a child,"[/color] Bonnie said, slightly irritated with the number of people telling her that she needed to be examined, that she ought not move, that the entire experience had been weird. None of them had attended medical school, sure, Sparky had some limited medical knowledge but it wasn't what she specialized in. In fact, Bonnie's particular medical specialty was dealing with the dead - making her uniquely qualified to understand how weird, in fact, it was that what should have killed her hadn't managed to stick. She also knew that most likely, the baby was fine - babies could live for minutes inside the womb after the mother perished. And by Bonnie's estimation, she had been dead for seconds. Maria would manage to pull the wood out of her stomach with relative ease, her healing factor then kicking in. The wound began to clot and close up, her body stitching itself back together. It wouldn't be fully healed yet, but it was beginning to become less and less of a life threatening liability - she was going to be fine. Niah's cries for talking things out would largely fall on deaf ears - as everyone except for the Amelias, when it came to the Avengers, were thoroughly unconscious. Similarly, Captain America wasn't awake to hear Oliver's apology, and only the Amelias heard Cass' pleas. Aero sighed slightly. "The shield was historical, but whatever." [color=FFB795]"Where do you think they went, the Doom and Luminous you're looking for?"[/color] "Our ship is at the base of the mountain, there's some supplies there." [color=FFB795]"But you all might wanna hurry, Herc is cranky when he wakes up."[/color] Right on cue, thanks to her ability to see the future no doubt, Mystique, Destiny, and Darcy re-appeared. They came from the one bit of the Aerie that was still standing, the only unharmed structure. Mystique's eyes darted towards Rogue and for a moment, a flash of relief crossed her face. But then it was soon replaced by annoyance as she saw Gambit had survived. "Great. The idiot made it." "I long for the day I foresee his demise," Destiny said to her wife, the sunlight reflecting off of the golden mask that hid her face. "Ah can hear ya!" Gambit complained, but neither Destiny or Mystique made a move to apologize. They really didn't their son-in-law - at all. Some things didn't change regardless of the universe. Rogue put a gloved hand on Gambit's shoulder to comfort him. "Don't let them get ta ya," she reassured him. "I love ya no matter what happens." "Uh, guys?" Darcy called out. "I think something's happening... Beyond all the crazy shit that already happened. Like, more crazy things. Like, space shouldn't look like that." She pointed towards the area right to the left of the group, where the rubble had made a roughly even surface. There, space seemed like it was beginning to shimmer and spark, with weird sounds growing gradually louder and louder, until a group of people [i]POPPED![/i] into existence. The distortion ended, going away as if nothing had ever happened. But the people were still there - people who they would be able to mostly recognize. [color=FFB795]"The X-Men,"[/color] Amelia recognized. "Shit, I hate these blokes," Aero complained. [color=FFB795]"Bunch of privileged assholes who get off on killing kids."[/color] "They have no business being in the Blue - no right to be here," Aero agreed. [color=d86615]"Seriously? These are the X-Men now?"[/color] Raynor scoffed. Back when he had been in Earth-257 last, he had led this team. He didn't even recognize everyone in front of him. Two of them were obvious - the "evil" versions of Flynn and Maria. Then he recognized what somewhat looked like Colossus, but as the Juggernaut? That was weird. There was a girl with metal claws who Raynor [i]guessed[/i] had something to do with Wolverine (where was Logan? Logan had been on Raynor's original team and he didn't die easy). The girl with her brain on display didn't ring any bells. Nightcrawler was easy, purely because he was a famous X-Man back in Earth-667, even if not currently active with the team. The boy with all the eyes and the man dressed in yellow were similarly mysterious to him. "You have a problem with that?" Wolverine asked. [color=d86615]"No offense, kid, but back when I ran the team, we had Wolverine on it."[/color] "Actually, I [i]am[/i] Wolverine," Wolverine said. "Woah, you're all covered in swirling red energy..." the boy with all the eyes said, whistling slightly. "It's beautiful. If not terrifying. Also, Firestorm, Syphon, those two are a 99.99999999% match to you," Eye-Boy then added, pointing at Flynn and Maria. "Best I see, they [i]are[/i] you." [hider=The X-Men of Earth-257][list][*][url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0b/71/2e/0b712e8aa56b223d40faa5b0679b2a77.jpg]Firestorm[/url] [*][url=https://media.gq.com/photos/59baaf26a64be8552d93ad9a/16:9/w_2560%2Cc_limit/jennifer-lawrence-red-sparrow.jpg]Syphon [/url] [*][url=https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/scale_medium/11112/111123579/7559200-eyeboy.jpg]Eye-Boy[/url] [*][url=https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/01_492.png]Wolverine[/url] [*][url=https://2v7smn27y3922e05obea523d-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/champion-unstoppable-colossus.jpg]Colossus[/url] [*][url=https://external-preview.redd.it/n-IMZHynmjXPP6SLSBPHQ5JOsrWgvO8nIfUTxLJugms.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=ddb89ba36f5b16d5b1574d05e6bdcdea3f025271]Nightcrawler[/url] [*][url=https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/scale_small/1/14487/8364041-dd160250-1ba1-49b4-8bb2-d69ce4b1319f.jpeg]Cerebella[/url] [*][url=https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/scale_medium/11114/111141742/7812006-s.w.o.r.d._vol_2_3_textless.jpg]Manifold[/url] [/list][/hider]