[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/c7wpmDk.png[/img] Location: Midnight Tournament [@KillamriX88][@AtomicNut][@Dezuel][/center] At first, Michael was groggy. There was nothing but darkness and pain within his perception. Then, something lukewarm and... [i]milky[/i] entered his mouth. Instinctively, he drank it. He had no idea what it was, but there was little else he could do in his current condition. Almost immediately, he felt himself recovering. The pain subsided and his mind became clear. Michael opened his eyes, only to be met with blurred vision. He squinted, then realized he didn't have his glasses on. He patted his pockets, wondering if it might be on him, and then came into contact with some sort of cloth draped around him. It then occurred to him that he was not standing on anything, but rather than he was being dangled above the ground by said cloth, and to his back was something remarkably soft. "[color=7ea7d8]What the heck...[/color]" Michael said as he finally reached into his pocket to put on his glasses. Around him were some familiar faces, Suzakura and Vera. Turning around, he could see that he was tied to Mina. To say the least, Michael was confused by this turn of events. "[color=7ea7d8]What the fuck? No, like, what the actual FUCK?![/color]" Michael exclaimed as he looked down again, realizing he was being carried like a literal baby. "[color=7ea7d8]Whose stupid idea was this?! Hey, let me down. Right now,[/color]" Michael demanded Mina.