[@wierdw] (Re: https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5368072) The burly first-mate blinks at Ember's approach, noticeable anxiety building with each of the latter's gestures and words. By reflex the crewman takes a wary step back as the... unconventional-looking mage reaches out with his ticket and starts eyeing him up and down. Hesitantly he receives the ticket from Ember's hand and inspects it, a decidedly uneasy expression lingering on his face. As other passengers begin arriving, handing in their tickets and boarding the ship, the first mate timidly turns back to Ember, as if hoping the mage's inquiries and ogles had somehow magically vanished at some point. "U-uh..." he stutters, looking like he had forgotten what was asked, or maybe had never understood in the first place. "Y-yes! Right, your room... sir... u-uh--" He deftly points towards a set of stairs on the ship, hoping to draw the mage's attention away from himself. "A-All accommodations have been prepared below deck! P-please address the captain if you have any concerns, thank you!" he reassured in a practiced voice, managing to stumble over his words only moderately, before doing an awkward salute - for what reason it was hard to say - and putting on his most welcoming smile, a bead of sweat rolling down his temple as his breath sounded like he had just swam a mile.