[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/saJefsm.png[/img] [h2][color=ab0000]C[/color]armillia [color=ab0000]C[/color]arbonneau[/h2][/center] [b]Place(s): Cargo Hold/Corridor, Lorentine Queen Interactions: Manfred:[@Force and Fury], Leon Solaire(s) [@Jumbus] Eun-Ji & Various [@Medili], Dorothea [@jasbraq], Zarra [@BreathOfTheWoof][/b] [hr] Carmillia watched as the the force of the explosion launch the female agent several meters away. The loud [i]thud[/i] that came from her smashing into the wall was extremely satisfying. If not for the current situation and the watching eyes, Carmillia would have loved to physically continue the beatdown on her unconscious body and more. [color=ab0000][i]Count yourself lucky that's all you had to deal with.[/i][/color] "Much appreciated, young lady. I think that solved that annoying little problem, hmm?" [color=ab0000]"Yes, you have,"[/color] responded Carmillia with an approving nod. With their adversary down, Carmillia and the arcane mage watched as Eun-ji took on the remaining agent. Though she kept it from showing, Carmillia was reeling inwardly from the aftereffects of overdrawing. At the moment, she wasn't capable of launching any internal chemical magic strong enough to impact the fight. Likewise, the arcane mage refrained from interfering as Eun-ji and the agent were locked in close combat. If she intervened, Eun-ji could get in the crossfire. That said, it didn't seem like any help was necessary as they watched Eun-ji slowly but surely overwhelming her opponent. With her awareness peaking from both the adrenaline and her own mental focus, Carmillia did not miss the [i]thud[/i] coming from the trapdoor. She noticed Leon, or Leons, the moment they appeared from below. [color=ab0000][i]The Lyre![/i][/color] She couldn't help but smile at the sight of the Leons waltzing about with the Lyre, seemingly oblivious to the gravity of the situation at hand. It was entirely a Leon thing to do. He truly was a wild card. With the exception of herself, Leon was the next ideal member of their team to have possession of the Lyre. Her foresight with Dorothea had been a miss but it looked like it had been accurate with the performer. She reran over her schemes in her head, making plans on how to sway Leon onto her side and how to get him to agree to keeping the Lyre for themselves. Even when Zarra made his reappearance and the subsequent howls of pain from the agent, she paid them little notice. Her attention was on the Lyre. She watched as the Leons exited the cargo hold and continued down the corridor. Even before the arcane mage had yelled "After him!", Carmillia was already on the move. She sidestepped and strode passed the gawking male arcane mage, Manfred and the now unconscious Dorothea. As she approached the Leons, she hesitated briefly. She had no idea if the magic he was employing was some sort of trap based spell that triggered upon contact. [color=ab0000]"Leon, stop!"[/color] She grabbed onto their shoulders.