As if just to prove that it was possible, the continuous torrent of effervescent bubbles and sparkles surrounding Ember's legs and feet practically erupt in a dramatic, and thankfully momentary display in unison with the full-body reaction of their conjuror. "OH SPLENDID!" he chirps, while doing a short hop on one leg, and kicking backward with the other, all while making 'jazz hands' overhead. (in addition to making a gyrating wiggle side to side in excitement) "I shall be below deck, if you need me handsome!" he coos while making a kissing expression and a wink, as he regains his composure, and begins gliding once more for the main deck of the ship, the effervescent shower of bubbles and sparkles following in his wake. "Be sure to come see me if you need ANYTHING at all~" he lilts over his shoulder, while stifling a titter, as he strolls out of sight and onto the deck.