[@Dark Cloud][@POOHEAD189][@rocketrobie2] More info about Dungeon exploration! [Hider=Dungeons][list][*]Dungeons are dangerous places. Every 10 minutes, or when the PCs make alot of noise, an encounter check is made to see if anything notices you. [*]Dungeons are often dark. Light sources will be required to explore most places. [*] If PCs think they've missed something, they can choose to spend 10 minutes to [b]Search.[/b] This check has a chance to fail. [*]You can try to [b]Listen at Doors[/b] to hear if a monster is behind it. Some monsters, such as undead, are silent. This check has a chance to fail. [*]You can try to [b]move silently[/b] to sneak around. This check has a chance to fail. [/list] [/hider] [@Dark Cloud] You can investigate the Monkeys, Pool, Dark Corridor, Glowing Corridor, ect. for more information. Think it'll take a little bit of time for me to gauge the right level of information to give before more thorough investigations Edit: Don't have access to my mapping software on mobile and not too pleased with this one. Might go Analogue. Waterfall is beside the stairs (blue line): [Center][img]https://i.imgur.com/N0IxSPo.jpeg[/IMG][/CENTER]