[quote=@Mae] [@Cao the Exiled] This looks awesome! Got room for one more? [hider=Helga] (All parentheses can be removed if wished) ~Basic info~ Name: Helga Gender: Female Age: 36 Species: Giantfolk [hider=Level: 1] Experience Needed: 0/100 (x= the highest point of a skill) Might: 0/x Finesse: 0/x Knowledge: 0/x Charm: 0/x Magic: 0/x [/hider] HP: 10/10 [hider=Total Armor Pool: ] (Finesse Die+Armor Die+Shield Die= Total Armor Pool) Finesse Die= 1d4 Armor Die= 1d2 [/hider] [b]~Primary Stats~[/b] (These are your main skills used for most encounters)(One skill gets 1d6, other four gets 1d4) [i]Might: 1d6[/i] [i]Finesse: 1d4[/i] [i]Knowledge: 1d4[/i] [i]Charm: 1d4[/i] [i]Magic: 1d4[/i] [b]~Equipment Stats~[/b] (These can add a die certain situations. These can be weapons, armor and jewelry) [i]Weapon(s):[/i] Shortsword: Cheap, Weapon, One-Handed, 1d4 might (for flavour could I rename this to a club?) [i]Armor:[/i] Cloth Armor: Cheap, Armor, Light, +1d2 Armor Pool [i]Jewllery:[/i] [b]~Traits~[/b] (As the player adventure, they may gain new traits given by the dm which can help with certain rolls) [b]~Backpack~[/b] (The inventory of each player) [b]~Spellbooks~[/b][/hider] [/quote] When you can, add the highest number from your Stats to their experience section please. You can look at Dark's CS for refrance. Once done, post her to the cs section and I'll add her to the roster!