It will be alright, don't worry. Right now we are basically introducing characters. It is "ok-ish" to monologue a bit in these opening posting periods, as it allows other players to get a "feel" for your character, and how to interact with them. I know it can be frustrating to not get feedback immediately, but remember, players are from all different time zones, the GM has a life of his own, etc-- I waited a full 2 days to get a simple "Yes, everything is fine with your room" from an NPC. This kind of thing tends to happen when there are a lot of players. Show us some of the "inner world" of your character. Who is he as a person? Why is he on board? What motivates him? What does he think about some of the actions/activities of other players so far? Etc. Before there can be good, meaningful interactions between characters, the players have to get an inkling of how to approach or interact with them. In that respect, the shamelessly self-promoting nature of my character pays off-- A little show-boating, and everyone else is on the same page on exactly what kind of person he is-- I get some feedback on how their characters feel about his (mis)behaviors, and that sets things up for more meaningful interaction when they actually interact directly later. It's easy to get discouraged by the timetable, and slow pacing, especially early on. I just ask that you be a little more patient, and try to enjoy yourself with the setting as much as possible, until we establish who the more active players are, their time-slots, and how the characters fit with each other.