[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/8JSMqvi.png[/img][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjk2LjAwMDAwMC5SM0pwYlEsLC4w/vanemnoncommercial.regular.webp[/img][/center] Admittedly, Zoey thought long and hard about making Sean Henry lose a tooth. Maybe two. Maybe the whole set and proper function of his eyelids for a bit. Ultimately, with the address of the odd ceramics factory in hand she held off. If the lead proved hot then as long as that little metal prong was stuck in Sean’s phone she had a useful in - even though she was still not completely certain of his role in the whole endeavor, and certainly wanted to break his spindly little ankles for using the hospital to do it. Still, hopefully this would clear things up a bit. A couple of the black drones that heralded Grim circled the top of the ceramics factory, parallel to crows congregating on a wolf’s prey. They stayed high, blending into the inky blackness of the sky and the suffocating light pollution that strangled out the starlight, streaming to Grim what lay below. In truth there didn’t seem to be much going on for the factory - it seemed to not even be in use. Dishevelled, broken, not even someone scrounging around looking for a place to squat. There was, however, a van. A van that- What was that? Grim paused, having been hunkered down blending into the closest building’s shadows. There was a loud movement of something in the factory rattling, metal on metal - something fell? Something opened? It was quite different from the near silence that had been going on before, either way. A clear sign of something on the wind changing. Then again, quieter, with a slight movement from the back of the truck. Grim was just inputting the command for one of the crows to get closer when a new sound cracked the air, and without a moment of hesitation the shadowmancer dropped into the darkness at their feet and went straight towards the gunshots. The lack of upkeep in and around the ceramics factory provided ample places for Grim to disappear and reappear through, ending up doing repeated shifts until finally emerging upside down from the ceiling, clinging to one of the beams to survey the situation. There was a group of men shooting towards the back of the truck - no, towards someone. Someone who juggernaut’d forwards despite being riddled with bullets, eventually taking a gun and - Oh it was Wraith. Should’ve guessed after the previous night, but that particular brand of violence was all him. Still, even if he could take all that damage and keep kicking it wasn’t very sporting to let him experience all the - wait, could he experience pain? Was it just force and pressure to him? Questions for later. Grim crawled back into the darkness of the ceiling, only for his arms to appear underneath the man furthest away. Gloved hands grabbed onto their ankles and yanked, sending him crashing forwards onto the floor. The gun he was holding disappeared into his own shadow, just to be ejected from the ceiling - falling a good amount of distance to clock another over the head. Oops. He was aiming for the arms to knock the weapon out of his hands. Grim really hoped he didn’t just kill someone. “We really have to stop meeting up like this - there’s already enough rumors about us on HeroWatch!” Grim’s voice once more boomed, almost coming from above for the first part, and then ground level for the second with some theatrical juggling of the shadow portals he controlled. Unfortunately, the loud mouthed hero was not nearly as bullet tolerant as Wraith, and kevlar only got you so far. It had Grim ping ponging around in the shadows - the first man he had grabbed went to kick away only to half-sink into his shadow, screaming, before popping out like an inflated balloon held underwater. He flipped, but ended up on his back with his hands sporting new friendship bracelet zip ties. Grim emerged from the wall, throwing a right hook despite not being near anyone. A dark fist the size of a man’s head instead followed the motion, emerging from a shadowed wall and clocking another man straight into the side of his head. A left uppercut followed, smashing another man in his - ooo, that had to hurt. Grim really needed to aim better. A bullet slammed into the hero’s shoulder, sending them to the floor with the force - where he disappeared. The one who shot Grim immediately went aiming for his feet - only for the masked man to launch from the wall like a shark attack. He tackled the gunman, and they both disappeared into the floor. The gunman being ejected at speed into a metal beam was definitely not personal. “Fuck.” Grim stepped out near the truck, having not seen the contents yet and instead using cover to gingerly check on his shoulder. Kevlar did its job at least, but that was going to [i]bruise[/i] tomorrow. “You never take me anywhere nice, Wraith!”