[img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/7613042c-e5e1-42df-98fd-ccb54f517dce.jpg[/img] [b]Captain Gerrard C. Griffin[/b], [i]Captain of The Pinned Seal[/i] [hider=Capt. Griffin] Captain Griffin has long been a trusted, personal retainer to Lord Vargas. He is the Captain of The Pinned Seal, an oddly designed mercantile galleon, and head of its crew. Gerrard was born in Bridland, but he took to the seas at a very early age. He has spent much of his time in the Spice Islands of the Mavian Sea, and much of his later years as a mercantile captain between Baakara and Talbos Island, where much of his most trusted crew members come from, like Ba'ku and Simbo. The waters between Baakara and Talbos were known for ruthless piratry, and his crew are some of the toughest to have sailed its waters.[/hider]