[img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/75f9307c-8005-45d9-99dd-0d27727bbc70.jpg[/img] [b]Hopper[/b] Navigator, Griffin's [i]Trusted Consort [/i] [hider=Hopper] Hopper, as he is known to the crew, is both the Navigator of The Pinned Seal, and Griffin's trusted consort. The two actually met through Lord Vargas, who met Hopper whilst abroad in the Kingdom of Liros. He was a well-known navigator and consort to the King and was quite prosperous and also worked as a professor in the city. Hopper is extremely intelligent, and he and Vargas became good friends over a very short period of time and shared a great deal in common... perhaps more than most knew. Hopper had grown quite bored of his time and occupation in Liros and as it turned out Lord Vargas had just the remedy. Hopper has been with the captain for over fifteen cycles now, and Griffin spends most of his time with him, and values his opinions on most things. Hopper has become quite inexpendable to both the captain and the crew and has always sailed them true. He is well versed in all things nautical, as well as all things astrological, and a wealth of knowledge on many other things including geography, anthropology, and is an astute study of various cultures known to the realm. He likes to keep a journal in which he documents all the various peoples and things he finds along their travels.[/hider]