[img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/f562e20d-31e3-4aae-a5fb-dd91d7a3b2c6.jpg[/img] [b]Stamey[/b] Engineer, Alchemist, Blacksmith [hider=Stamey] Stamey is the ship's [i]Engineer[/i], a master carpenter and an apprenticed alchemist. He keeps the ship running smooth and makes any repairs necessary to the ship or its parts. A talented man indeed, he can fix most anything, even when suitable parts are scarce, and when needed he can also make new wooden parts so long as the necessary raw materials are available. He is also a decent blacksmith. Stamey was born and raised in Bridland, the son of an Alchemist, and his older brother was an accomplished blacksmith and farrier. Stamey knew that he would not have an easy time making a name for himself under his father and brother's work, so he set off with captain Griffin when he became of age to set off on his own, rather than dwell under their names for the rest of his days, or theirs. [/hider]