[img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/0b81c66e-fb1a-4841-9b5e-bd51447acd31.jpg[/img] [b]Simbo[/b] Surgeon, Sailor [hider=Simbo] Simbo is the [i]Surgeon Doctor[/i] on [i]The Pinned Seal[/i]. He oversees all ailments and matters of health aboard the ship. He has remedies for all sorts of things from the scurvy to the scabies. He was Ba'ku's loyal companion back in Baakara, and was assigned to be Ba'ku's personal companion, and acted much as a squire would to knight. Simbo is very well educated in herbal remedies and natural healing. He also mixes his remedies with a sort of voodoo that is centered around spiritual healing. Most people shrug it off as mumbo jumbo or mere superstition, but Simbo is deadly serious about it... and none dare question it in his presence, at least none of the crew. Regardless of whether or not his voodoo is real, his remedies surely seem to be without question. The entire crew will vouch for that.[/hider]