[hr][color=787b81][sup][h1] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f7/84/46/f784469d77a58ed8510fe8f8cb8ca3dd.gif[/img] [b][center][color=#295751]s[/color][color=#4F7056]h[/color][color=#75895B]o[/color][color=#9CA360]w[/color] [color=#E9D66B]&[/color] [color=#9CA360]t[/color][color=#75895B]e[/color][color=#4F7056]l[/color][color=#295751]l[/color][/center][/b][/center][/h1][/sup] [right][sub]location: The Olympic Club interactions: [color=#295751]Hati[/color] | [COLOR=#e9d66b]MelinoĆ«[/color] mentions: [color=a187be]Isabel[/color] [@Legion02] | [color=#9E1B31]Loki[/color] [@fledermaus] | [color=#9E1B31]Phobos[/color] [@Danvers] | [color=eed873]Apollo[/color] [@smarty0114][/sub][/right][/color][hr] [color=gray] After sitting in the shrubbery for longer than seemed necessary, Hati wanted to make sure he didn't run into the War god after all, the White Wolf composed himself and took a stroll through the begonias, tapping away on his phone. His mini stakeout proved to be well worth the headache he received from the mortal woman who called herself his [i]"employer"[/i]. Yet, here he was being as dutiful as he was back in Asgard, at the beck and call of Odin. A snarl plastered on his face as he let loose a small growl. [quote]To: [color=a187be]vile witch[/color] I think you'll enjoy yourself quite a bit at the Jade Jaguar. Ask for Lalli.[sub][code]sent[/code][/sub][/quote] As an after thought he shot one more text her way; [quote]To: [color=a187be]vile witch[/color] Should have just told me he was your father šŸ˜‰[sub][code]sent[/code][/sub][/quote] Attaching a picture he took of the two immortals in love he sent the text, leaving it as cryptic as he possibly could. Isabel was a smart girl, [color=#295751][i][sub]'Too smart,[/sub][/i][/color] she'll be able to use what little information he sends her way well enough. [color=#295751]"That should satiate her,"[/color] he pocketed his phone as he strolled back into the foyer. He couldn't help but take notice of the shadow of death clinging to the sun, off to refill their drinks at the bar where there happened to be another friend of sorts, guzzling away some sort of demon. Hati saw it fit to pull her away, if just for a moment, and head towards a different set of delicious drama. The wolf wasn't much for inciting riots and causing a stir - not unless it benefited him - that was typically the child of his grandfather, but oh how it fell on him to get this place lively. Hati wasn't complaining. Quite the opposite. He was thoroughly enjoying this new personality trait and wanted to see just how far he could take it. Starting off with pulling MelinoĆ« away from her Apollo. Flashing his most sincere of smiles he approached the would be couple, [color=#295751][i][sub]'Pfft,'[/sub][/i][/color] he had to chortle to himself lest he end up on the wrong side of madness. [color=#295751]"Excuse me, [i]Sunshine[/i], mind if I steal her away? Mortal business affairs and all."[/color] Hati didn't give Apollo a chance to reply before he was guiding MelinoĆ« to a different part of the bar by the elbow. Retching it from his grip she turned deadly eyes onto the Norseman, [color=#e9d66b]"Hati-"[/color] she spat, [color=#e9d66b]"The fuck is with that?"[/color] It was unlike Hati to seek out her opinion on matters, immortal or otherwise. While they were friendly enough towards one another it wouldn't be entirely out of the realm of possibilities that they despised one another. Occasionally. The same way one could torment the other but no one else got the privilege. Was this what close sibling relationships looked like? Or toxic ones? Instead, she was just dragged along the bar where a number of bodies were present. Hati didn't seem to notice or care and pushed them aside regardless; seeking something or some[i]one[/i] out. He only rolled his eyes in response, [color=#295751]"Please, you were bored. That and you were playing a losing game, doll. You're welcome by the way. Besides, I have something else far more interesting for us to do."[/color] He reached across the bar and grabbed a bottle from behind the counter passing it off the woman beside him. In another life, he thought, there might have been something between them. MelinoĆ« had an air about her that drew him in, she was hot, yeah, duh. But there was something else there. That is until she spoke to him and then he remembers how much a bitch she truly is. However the Nornir had other plans. Stick them in close proximity and eventually they will kill one another. Until then of course, have them amicable to one another; siblings almost. [i][b]Almost[/b][/i]. Hey, it's whatever. He always wanted a little sister to bully around. Popping the top of the bottle of Estate Argyros VinSanto passed to her, MelinoĆ« admired the vintage twenty year aged bottle before taking a large swig, hoping to calm the random set of nerves flooding her senses. She couldn't exactly pinpoint the cause, not until Hati had ushered the two of them closer to the source of his glee. Waving his hands, most frantically, Hati had pulled the attention of the last person Madness wanted to see. [i]Phobos[/i]. As they approached her eyes raked up and down the figure of Fear as he leaned over the bar top, looking a little more worse for ware than he usually did and something in her told her to care, to question him about it. Just not with Hati lurking about. He was bound to sniff out something and make it a bigger deal than it was. Rolling her eyes MelinoĆ« tried to turn on her heel and walk away but Hati's grip only tightened as he steered them to his friend. [color=#295751]"Pho, long time no see, running into you what a coincidence. Ah, and MelinoĆ« is here too, man, I'm [i]sooooooo[/i] lucky to have my friends here,"[/color] he smiled so wide and so conniving his canines stuck out against the stubble he called a beard before he tilted up his own bottle of brew. Glaring up at the man who still held her captive MelinoĆ« stomped on her foot before yanking her arm back. [color=#e9d66b]"Phobos,"[/color] she shot at him, not the warmest greeting she's given him, definitely not the worst. [color=#e9d66b]"Looking a bit peckish, love. Father running you into the ground?"[/color] [/color]