[@Dead Cruiser] Much better! Great job! [quote=@udonoodles] posted for iron lad and jasper—i think that's all the characters accounted for! [/quote] Baha I snickered at Jasper XD. And yep! All 12 characters are now introduced. Assuming no one has any last minute surprise characters they want to add, I'll write the next post after work tomorrow. At the beginning of the post, the story will show a nexus point where the Sentinel ships are depositing their thousands of cryopods into a space station sorting facility. Those not marked as Traveler Candidates are loaded into vessels bound for Battleworld, while the Candidates' pods are lined up in groups of 12 and loaded into smaller ships for transport to the Inquisitor's Citadel. The Arishem-Exar is among a larger fleet of these vessels, and then the Inquisitor teleports from ship to ship to Soulgaze each group of 12. Once they are dismissed as Candidates, a group is then sent to Battleworld as well. EDIT for clarity: Our particular group doesn't make it to the Soulgaze due to Doctor Strange rescuing them.