The god of mischief's eyes were still full of rage. "How is my imprisonment your fault? I was the one who tried to take over Midgard, destroy Jotunheim, use tricks to take over as king of Asgard, No being in there was my own fault. All just because I was lied to," He shakes his head. Loki wasn't pleased with any of his actions. He wasn't even sure he saw it as justified anymore. Maybe once he did, but not now. It all seemed like a bad way to react now. He sobbed more "Oh no wonder all the realms hate me." Loki was still very hurt, he didn't see anything Thor was saying as right. He saw his mistakes as his own fault "Why do you care so much!!" He growled "I wasn't ever good to you through all this, I tried to ruin your chances at being king, get you banish, stab and try kill you, hurt your friends, why do you still care," He was very upset and was crying badly.