Sa'Cha moved as quickly as he could with Mark talking as if his life depended on it. Several things were swirling through his mind at the moment and yet it had gone unnoticed that Zeus had chosen a champion to help in the cause and that she was a student at Angel Grove High. Sa'Cha stopped for a moment to turn and talk to Mark about something other than the topic of motorcycles and cars, something Mark was very fluent in. He hadn't even sensed Finn walk up until he felt his hand on his back. Turning after hearing Finn's voice, Sa'Cha smiled. "Neither can I," Sa'Cha said. "Awwww look at you two, so cute," Mark chimed in. Sa'Cha's glare sent chills down Mark's spine. He cleared his throat and scratched the back of his head. "I'll see you two after class," Mark said rushing off. Sa'Cha turned his attention back to Finn. Even after time had passed, he still got slightly nervous whenever he talked to him. "Do you have practice today?" Sa'Cha asked, "have you eaten?"