>My name is Daniel Barlowe. I am 35 years old. >I look like I don't care too much about my appearance. I'm a bit shorter than average and overweight. I keep my darkbrown hair short so I don't have to spend much time on it, but I usaully have stubble because I don't shave too often. That said my hazel colored eyes are something people notice. >I am a physically inactive man and prefer work that can be done sitting down >At the Academy I majored in runes >My favourite extracurricular activity was cooking >I have 0 gold. >I have 0 clones. >My goals are... [optional, you may leave this section blank] >Inventory: >Robes >Fragile Bastion Gem 1/1: 20 minute charge time. A small blue diamond shaped object that fits in the palm of your hand. Spend a charge to teleport yourself to the location of another Magical Academy Alumni. That's all it does. Do not be concerned by your Bastion Gem. Disclaimer: not suitable for children under 3. Do not consume.