Hina, beautiful, talented, and without a doubt the coolest and most popular girl in the room, immediately took some paper and a pencil out and began drawing. She needed to express herself, to get the others to understand her genius. "I'm not a glutton," she shot at the fox boy, cookie crumbs all over her face. "I don't even need food, I just eat it because it's there," she exclaimed, unaware that this made her sound even more gluttonous and very insensitive to everyone who actually [i]needed[/i] food to survive. Her line art was coming along quite nicely. It was only a sketch, but she was, despite her idiotic posturing, both quick and talented as an artist. Of course, she was still listening to Tomoko, but this picture could be important to the investigation later. "Hm... hm... urban legends, you say... maybe if it turns out they all went missing in the bathroom, it'll be Hanako the toilet ghost. Big fan of her work, scaring Humans all the time," Hina said, nodding, "but... yeah~ it might be good to speak to a ghost. They don't have much better to do than hang around watching people, and they're- hey!" Hina scowled at the spider, attempting to screw her face into something scary, but only succeeded at making herself look like a child about to throw a tantrum for a cool toy. "Don't compare yourself with me, granny. It makes me sound old. I'm only older than everyone when it benefits me, but otherwise I'm young and adorable and everyone should give me stuff." Hina put the finishing touches on her picture, and proudly presented it to everyone. It was a picture of a Nurikabe with sunglasses and a skateboard, and it had its hand on a wall behind a blushing Tomoko. The picture was titled 'Nurikabedon' and Hina smiled proudly. It was a rough sketch, but well done. She would pin it to the investigation board later, with all her other cool pictures, most of which involved other club members in swimsuits. "See? You could definitely get kidnapped by something like this. It's so cool, but also funny..." Then, Akari said something that turned on some alarm bells. Ghosts were borderline [i]unpunchable[/i]. That could be a problem, in case the ghost wanted to do something scary. Hina's eyes widened. "Ghosts [i]are[/i] scary and unpunchable," Hina, the unpunchable kinda-half-ghost exclaimed, "h-how are we gonna deal with something that terrifying?"