I'm sorry, I write too much. [hider=Desperado] [center][h1][color=gold]Tarak[/color][/h1][Color=crimson][sub][h2]Desperado[/h2][/sub][/color] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/985402701812744232/986004612978974720/unknown.png[/img][/center] [color=gold][u][b]Physical Appearance:[/b][/u][/color] Tarak is a 24 year old man with tanned skin, stands at 6'4, and weighs 265 pounds where it seems every ounce of that weight seems to be dedicated to his muscular physique. His body is much more like a worked machine running at top efficiency, he has low fat on his body and is quite prone to being cold. Tarak has short to medium-length black hair that he lets down more often than not. His eyes are these golden brown eyes that seem to always have a sharpness and almost shininess to them. He has many scars across his body, the most numerous being on his back, his torso, and on his legs, many of which look quite nasty as many were never properly treated but easily hidden by simple clothing, except for the one on his face the he received when he was younger. Tarak is a simpler man, he has some money, but he spends very little of it on clothing. He has basic clothing at best, a tee shirt, black pants, some shorts, a jacket, and some thick and sturdy boots. Leaving to where Tarak has very little in the way of variety in clothing, to the point people will often think he has multiple sets of the same outfit, but sometimes he just forgets to clean some of his clothing and wears it, but nobody notices. [color=gold][u][b]Character Archetype:[/b][/u][/color] Hotshot with a haunting past [color=gold][u][b]Character’s Guiding Motto:[/b][/u][/color] Face forward and clench your fists, nothing comes to those who sit and wait. [color=gold][u][b]Character’s Fatal Flaw:[/b][/u][/color] Tarak is trying to do the best for those he has with him left. He tries to run from the things he has done, the enemies he's made, and the people he's lost. He tries his best to keep those who he has close from being lost, yet he is slowly noticing and fearing he is losing himself. Almost to the point where all he is his machine and the murder he causes is his existance. [color=gold][u][b]Character’s Expertise:[/b][/u][/color] [color=gold]Combat: Brawling, stealthy takedowns, and some Weapon training-[/color] Tarak lives to fight, his existance has always been in combat. May have it been inside the cockpit or out of it, he had always danced the Macabre Waltz with death. While out of a mech, Tarak's skills are exceptional yet improvised. He had never had any formal training, yet was taught to fight by life. He is as much a brawler as a Battle Mech pilot, he uses a variation of wild hits and precise efficent strikes while using stealth to deal with multiple opponents in a small area. Using improvised combinations, weapons, and the enviroment to deal with opponents quickly. Even with his most exceptional combat skills being in the form of brawling, he has been known to use many different weapons, firearms, and even heavier weapons such as machine guns, rockets, and other such things. [color=gold]Tactics: Combat & Bounty/Pirate Hunting-[/color] Tarak's insight and instincts are beyond that of a normal person's. He is able to read deeper into most things as his intuition is that of a seasoned detective. His deductions skills were fostered from his years as a slave, a bounty/pirate hunter, and mercenary and these skills were honed especially when dealing with the many different people while being used by many different factions across the Galaxy. Yet his skills weren't just deduction and reading people to understand what they want and are thinking, it also a supernatural hunting instinct and combat intuition. His thoughts on their movement, how they'd react, and even where they are almost seem like he can read their mind. Yet this comes from years of experience from life or death experiences where a wrong move might mean he misses his mark, or worst, he becomes their prey. [color=gold]Engineering: Scavenging & Field Repairs-[/color] During the years Tarak was a Mercenary and Bounty Hunter for hire, he had to spend much of his time away from base and anywhere to get proper repairs. So he to learn how to do repairs in the field to ensure he had a higher survival chance. After much time Tarak became quite good at doing quick repairs to Battle Mechs. Often spotting faults and make sure they are repaired, often the battle mechs when he first started looked as if they were scrap brawlers, using different pieces of strangely colored metal, rubber, and plastic that could be found to repair Mechs. As Tarak got better the Mechs began to become better looking, his repairs became more solid, to the point where one would never think he was using scraps. These skills came to great use when found in long solo missions, damages need to be repaired after battles and skrimishes, and often it can mean life and death if he is unable to keep his machine working, so he will scavenge what he can from other machines. Rigging broken systems to reroute power, jerry rigging operating systems and armor onto his Mech to complete the mission. This often leads to Tarak preferring Mechs that have hand actuators to take hold of things so he can actually repair things. [color=gold][u][b]Nationality/Allegiance:[/b][/u][/color] Solaris 7/No allegiance. [hr] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/985402701812744232/986002646731198514/unknown.png[/img][/center] [hr] [color=gold][u][b]Background:[/b][/u][/color] Tarak was an orphan born on Solaris 7, he was in a orphanage that abused them and one night after the Caretakers killed one of the orphans in the orphanage, Tarak killed them and burnt the Orphanage down. From there the rest of the Orpahns and him lived on the streets until they were picked up by a 'Stable' that wanted to give them a chance of a better life for working for them. Once there they realized that they were stuck there as now slaves to do the work of Technicians, Mechwarriors, and other such things with no hope of actual escape from the 'Stable'. Once they were trained enough they began to sent the Mechwarriors into underground battles to begin to rig games in their favor. Either having them take fall, or substituting them out with better pilots to always come out as winners. One night after one of the kids decided to forfeit, he was killed. Making the rest of the Orphans now plan their freedom, as once Tarak was 15, they had planned enough for them to finally make an escape. First Tarak assassinated each of the guards on the base with the planned weapons and hideouts made for this night, and once they scrap yard was cleared, they took everything they could and sold it all. Yet they were given a few hours before the owners knew, so they sold anything they could, and traded their mech for a different one, losing a lot of value on a lot of their gear, yet they had enough. While in the escape Tarak was almost cornered and died, but by the grace of god and luck he was able to get away as another criminal group they made a deal with killed the other group. Once in Free Worlds League territory, they began taking small jobs until they were finally able to get their first real job as pirate hunters. After teaming up with a few other rag tag groups of mercenaries, many decided to go their separate ways, yet it did give the Orphans a jumping off point. They began to continue their job search, taking jobs as Bounty hunters and Pirate hunters, acting like a scalpel Tarak made a name for himself not only as an exceptional Mechwarrior, but also as an exceptional Bounty Hunter. As after a few years as a small act, the Orphans were found by the Green Knights, with them all being nearly adult age at this point with Tarak being 20 by this point, they began working for the Green Knights, putting their skills to some real use. As the Green Knights gave them a better chance at fortune than what they had before. The next 4 years have been the most profitable they've seen, until they've hit this little snag with Espia, but the Orphans have gotten out of tough situations, this time won't be much different, as long as they have each other. [hider=Extended Background, the reason why I didn't post any sooner] [hider=Orphanage]Tarak was born on Solaris 7, a planet known as the 'Game World' and very well known across the Galaxy for their 'Mech fights, Gambling rings, and the fortunes won and lost daily. Yet he was not born in such a luxurious position, he was not born into some amazing line of Mechwarriors, he was not destined to be picked up by a stable to become a famous technician, he was not promised anything. He was dealt a bad hand, he was born to a prostitue mother who died in child birth, and had a father who could have been any countless men. Tarak's hand was a losing one from the start, yet it seemed he had some luck, instead of being thrown to the wind the moment he was born, he was taken into an orphanage. Yet this orphanage was nothing one would considered to be nice, this is a place where most kids were treated like shit. Fed 1/4 rations, normally kids were starved to near death and then forced to work and panhandle just to be allowed to eat. As Tarak grew, he very quickly hated life here, many of these kids came here because they had nothing. Like Tarak they were dealt shit hands in life, so many of them treated each other like siblings, as most here were no older than 5-6 years old by the time he was 8 years old, was like a big brother as he was the one to steal for them, work harder for them, and even bleed for them when one of them was caught stealing. Yet one night, Tarak was maybe 10 at the time, it seemed that the 'care takers' got carried away, they seemed to have snapped. The night smelt of booze, as when the 'care takers' came to the orphanage at night, they seemed to have been in a sour mood, some yelling about one of the games. As yelling started to occur, a bottle smashed as a scream was heard. Tarak jumped up from the bed and went down, to see something horrifying. One of the children were on the floor with blood and glass everywhere, as Tarak looked up to the 3 adults and all he saw was red. [hider=A Devil Reveals Himself]He dashed up the stairs as they yelled for him, Tarak took a turn and hid away in a small nook near the top of the stairs, as he took hold to a creaky old floor board he waited a moment. As the first adult passed, then the second, Tarak waited but a moment longer for the third to finally come up as he jumped with as much force as he could to rip wood from the floor and tackled the person down the stairs. Tarak Clambered quickly as he drove the wood into the neck of the adult before he threw himself off of them and the rest of the way down the stairs. As the moment he made it down to the ground level his eyes landed on the kitchen, he lunged off towards the kitchen and over the glass as he threw himself into the kitchen. He knew they had no knives, they were told they couldn't afford it, but now Tarak understood, they wanted to make sure something like this could never happen. As his eyes landed on the spoons, he grabbed one and opened a cupboard and hid inside. Almost a moment later the other adults entered the kitchen they quickly moved. Tarak waited about half a minute after he first heard the kitchen door opened before he threw himself out of his hiding space and onto the counter. As he landed he was maybe about a foot away from his next target, as he threw himself at them. When he landed on them he quickly took hold of their shoulders and took the handle of the spoon and swung his hand wide to slam the end of the spoon into their eye and smacked the end of it to put it the rest of the way in and leapt off. Once he was moving the man who he just snuck up on finally fell to the ground and alarmed the other person. Tarak was riding a wave of adrenaline that made him a like a demon. Living in this area of villainy made children grow fast. With fighting other kids, teens, and even some young adults changed Tarak into an efficent fighter and killer, using his abnormal size for his age led to him being able to take on multiple people older than him quite easily. Fight or die was the motto of there orphans, gangs ran these streets and many younger folks either strutted their stuff or were made targets. Tarak dashed away, now going back into the commons area, as when he was about to near the glass, he hopped on to the couch and dove for the stairs. When he caught himself he began running back up to see the first man he killed laying still with the other kids finally up and seeing Tarak. They looked to him and were startled, yet he waved to them as he yelled, "Hide!". They all ran into different rooms as he ran down the hall, and for a moment he saw what he needed, a painting. As he grabbed it, and as he ran he flicked the light in the hallway off. As it was dark enough to make someone miss a small detail, Tarak hid in the door way of a room and lifted the painting to cover himself. As the man ran trying to find him, there was a split second he missed Tarak, and that was all he needed. At the moment he passed, he swung the painting down to hit him on the head. When the painting hit the canvas ripped and tore as Tarak yanked the frame back to bring the man down. Using the man's drunkenness and surprise dropped the man, and when this happened Tarak used the wooden frame as a place to hold as he set his feet on the mans neck and stomped as he pulled the frame up. Snapping the mans neck and crushing his throat in one lethal motion.[/hider] After it was done, Tarak was covered in blood, the orphanage was broken, and it was time to leave. As they all surrounded their fallen 'sibling', they had stopped breathing and tears began to well in their eyes, yet they needed to leave. As they wrapped them up, they all gathered what they could and left the orphanage, burning it down as they left for somewhere else. They made it a whole 3 days before they were found by some people that were up to no good.[/hider] [hider=Roman Gladiator] Tarak and his siblings were found by a group of people who offered them an escape from their lives. They can come work for them to escape their lives of destitution. All they needed to do was work as hard as they can for their Battle Mech Stable. Most saw this as an opprotunity of a life time, yet Tarak was wary. When they were brought into their new home, it was a literal scrap yard. They could see people scrounging through the materials, welding sparks flying, and what seems to be the skeleton of a BattleMech being made. As they were told, they would be clothed, fed, and given a place to sleep if they work for them. All accepted, yet Tarak was worried, he didn't know the aim, which made him uneasy. As They were settled in, they began learning the different jobs they will be passed through to see where they can work. Some had some aptitude in welding, others in management, some in talking skills, yet the one that Tarak showed exceptional skill in was as a Mechwarrior. When he enter the simulation, he seemed to have an almost comfortable feel in it as he did quite well for his first time ever touching the machine. So they assigned Tarak and the others who either showed skill as a Mechwarrior or who showed no other skills to become Mechwarriors. As they worked, the next few years seemed rough, they were yelled at if they failed or messed up, hit if they angered one of their superiors, or even if one of them were in a bad mood. Unlike in the orphanage, instead of some normal care takers, these men seemed to be strangely armed. Each of them carrying some gun and seemed all too eager to check someone, so many worked their hardest out of pure fear of death. At night was one of the few times they get time to themselves, they are all piled into one locked room with blankets and pillows in there for them. Night was when many broke down, crying in fear and wishing to leave, Tarak was always there to comfort them, cared for them, and did his best for them. Often he found moments to steal what he could to possibly to cheer some of them up, with whatever he could. Finally Tarak had turned 14 his training was considered complete, him and many of the other kids here had been pitted against each other in BattleMechs that were being slowly formed in this 'Stable'. At this point, they were able to create and maintain 4 BattleMechs from the 'scraps' in this large scrap yard. Often times they were able to practice decently often, however in these conditions there have been plenty of accidents that occurred. Hundreds of injuries, some Mechs that were out of commission for some time, and even a few fatalities. Even if the children were mentally unstable the 'Stable' owners did not care, they were to move to their next phase, putting the kids to use. Normally you'd need to be 18 to participate as a Mechwarrior in games, however that only applies to games that were sanctioned by the Solaris Civic Council. The many underground matches that can happen across Solaris 7 however can be ran with any rules, regulations, or lack there of. Tarak's first match as his debut into the Underworld Solaris Games was something akin to what he was used to. The man infront of him was wanting to take whatever he has, his money or his life. Tarak was calm as always, they were being prepped as Tarak was given a quick run down: This will be his debut match, mattering on how he does will determine his career, and if he forfeits then he will be given an extra special punishment. Tarak had a feeling what it could mean, that could mean that they would do some form of horrifying things to him. Tarak just sat back and waited for them to be counted in. As the moment they were signaled to begin, Tarak boosted off like some deranged animal, as rounds flew Tarak shifted his body from side to side to have rounds hit nonessential armor, as the moment he meet his opponent Tarak began letting loose multiple close range shots as he began to use his Mechs body like a battering ram. Swinging his weight as he hits his opponents mech with his arms while he fires multiple shots into the opponent when the gun passes over them. Tarak using his speed and almost forcing his Mech to fall to dodge attacks and shift his position, making hitting him in such a range very difficult. After a bout that lasted less than 2 minutes, Tarak showed his skills and ferosity in its full glory. His very frenetic and almost suicidal movements make his fighting almost seem like an animal in the ring. His swings were wild but the placement seemed calculated to force the opponent to react as he chose. To the point it almost seemed like he was in control of the fight from the start. After this amazing victory it filled many of his 'Siblings' with hope. As next came their matches, many lost their fights, only a handful at best won their fights. Everyone who were either in the support role, already fought, or were prepping to fight had to witness the reality of what occurs in these arenas. Multiple of their 'siblings' were either heavily, left mutilated from their fight, or even killed. As they had to watch, they felt a foreboding fear fall over them, this was the life they were to live. Many were given the same threat of capitulation, and all but one fought to the end. He was the weakest of will among the kids, and the fear of seeing all this happen and thinking it would happen to him, made him fearful enough to give up when the fight began. When that happened, the owners of the 'stable' promised him the punishment would occur that night. When the children were sent to their room, guards escorted them there and locked the doors. All but that one child was there, when they tried to leave the door was locked. When they called out all they heard was one of the men yell "Quiet!". As when they tried to call out again, they heard a quiet shriek of pain. All of them were startled as the took a moment and realized that was their 'sibling' crying out. As when they tried to yell the man yelled in, "If you don't shut up I'm capping one of you!" As in that moment it solidified the feelings within them, this was not their way out, no matter how hard they tried, this was worst than what they even imagined. There was no way out.[/hider] [hider=Spartacus]After that day, many felt more fearful, any mess up could lead to something horrifying happening to them. As the fear was compounded when they never saw their 'sibling' again, nothing changed. Tarak knew this, nothing changed, it was time for a plan to form. It was not going to be as easy as before, he needed to deal with armed men, sure Tarak was already 6'2 and was a head or so taller than most of them, yet they all had guns. A plan was going to be made, but they needed to survive during that time, with that, all the 'Mechwarriors, were given directives during their fights, many were set up to be the fall guys, they were to try and make the match look good but then get taken down. For Tarak, he was to learn each of the machines, sync with them, and he was to act as the sub for each of them. He was going to substitute out with each of the others to change the odds when it comes time, using his skills to rake in profits quickly. As over the next year, they did exactly this, many of the others became very good at taking a fall, while Tarak became very good at fighting in all different types of Mechs. Yet no matter how good the others were at taking a fall, accidents happen, often leaving where many are injured, mutilated, or killed while in these Underground arenas. All this time, Tarak was building a plan, a plan to take out their captors, and be free. Over the years, the group had slowly been stealing and hiding everything they needed: makeshift lockpicks, a properly hardened makeshift knife, an oil can made to be a suppressor, a few hiding spots around the scrap yard slowly made for them, and a small map to find it all. The only ting that is right now keeping them from reaching freedom is a 3 inch thick metal door. Yet Tarak had prepared for this moment himself, as he wrapped the small grave on the wall with the sheets, everyone of them took hold of the sheets and began to pull. The metal bent and creaked as it finally sheered and cracked under the strain. Tarak grabbed the metal bars he looked to the edges that seemed to have been rusting and smirked. They gave them thin and rough blankets and they had to relieve themselves in the bucket in the corner. So they used the blankets to rough up the surface of the metal, and then they used their sweat, spit, and other bodily fluids to make the metal rust and weaken. They continued to do this for an entire year until finally it was time for them to escape, which was now. Tarak grabbed the metal and began to place multiple pieces in different areas of the door frame, as he bent them into the frame he began to shimmy them to where the lock would be, as once they moved it to place, he yanked them to force the lock to get shifted and slowly worked it open. Once he was done, the door was finally open, and it was time for their escape to commence. As Tarak left the room, he began to sneak about, once he left the others mode the metal and closed the door. The rain had became quite heavy at this point, making visibility poor, yet enough for him to see the lights of the guards, and the hunt began. The night was filled with blood, rain, and the silent sounds of bodies dropping. Tarak had thoroughly cleared the guards in the Scrapyard. Once it was clear, Tarak moved to where the kids were being held and opened the door and started getting them out. With clearing out the Scrap yard, they were able to move as they pleased, yet they needed to leave. The kids began grabbing the BattleMechs, tools they could, really anything and everything that could be either useful or used for money. As they left, each of the kids started to work their magic, some had used some of their time they had to set up some deals, other used their little time outside the scrapyard to find passages to be able to get off world. For them, they might at most have 24 hours, so they had to be gone by then. Over the next 24 hours, they sold almost everything they had, keeping 2 BattleMechs, their Light Spider BattleMech that was one of the first to have gotten up and running and is known to be easily maintained, and a Phoenix Hawk that they were able to trade for one of their other larger and more well maintained Mechs. They traded their Heavy Mech frame for it to lighten their load while still keeping themselves with 2 Mechs, while the other Mech was sold for a criminally low price yet they needed it sold with no questions asked. Once they traded, bartered, and sold whatever they could, it was time to leave. Tarak was to pilot the Phoenix Hawk from one side of the city to the other where a transport ship will be taking them off world. As tarak left to get the Phoenix Hawk he was tipped off by the person who they made the trade with that there are men looking for them. Tarak knew if he was just to run to the ship, they could make it, however they needed the Mech. If they lost this Mech they'd be down to 1 and for them to do any work, it'd be suicide otherwise with such a light mech. The Spider is a really good Recon Mech, yet they needed some pushing power. Tarak took the gamble and took to piloting the Phoenix Hawk, he had to hope he sadly had no time to sync up with the Mech, so it was time to see Tarak's skills put to the test. The Neurohelmet was able to be replaced quite quickly with his own and he would have normally ran a diagnostics, yet Tarak needed to get moving. Tarak gave the man a thumbs up and started his rush to the ship. Yet it was never meant to be easy, as when he made it some of the more open area was when the trap was unleashed. Multiple Mechs began to let loose on Tarak, shooting lasers melting his armor quickly, as when he tried to return fire he realized his weapons were 'dead' and Tarak could not turn them on while in the cockpit. He cursed whatever god had forsaken him, as he had to now bear the punishment. While in this almost full sprint he was trying to intercept these attacks with his arms, using every pound of armor this thing had, as he franticly tried to figure out everything this mech had. As he found a button he was more than used to but never got to use, Jump Jets. The moment he flipped the button he flew, as he now needed to figure out flight, yet the onboard computer did it for him, as he flew his helmet told him his projected landing zone, as it was to be directly on top of one of his assailants. He set his legs to land down onto them as he deactivated the boosters at the end to allow his full weight to land on top of his target. When Tarak landed his Mech smashed straight into the mech and destroyed the cockpit of the other mech and smashed it into the ground. Tarak was shaken by this landing, it was violent, one he was not fully ready for, but no matter, he had to move. As he ran forward, he felt his back side get slammed with missiles, lasers, and machine gun fire. Yet for Tarak he almost saw the world in slow motion, everything seemed dull, the world was beginning to stir, as he felt himself throw up in the cockpit. His mech became wobbly, it started losing balance as he was starting to lose his own balance, yet he needed to keep going. As maybe a moment after his other jump, he performed another one, sending him farther again, this time he allowed the computer to finish the full decent, not like he could have stopped it anyway. Tarak was not prepared for such an intense impact, which gave him whiplash and a concussion, making it where piloting became much more difficult, to the point where keeping the Mech standing was a miracle. Yet he had covered quite a bit of distance during this haze, as he Jumped as often as he could, yet it heated his BattleMech quite quickly, making it quite difficult to even stay awake. Yet the moment he made it to the a certain point, his pursuers almost seemed to dissappeared. As he made it to the ship, he noticed a few other Mechs there, as at first in his daze he was ready to fight, yet the moment when he was about to he noticed their other mech come out and stop him. Calling to him, but his communications were shot at this point, as they had to coax him out of his Mech where they went and laid him down to explain to him what happened. They made some sort of deal with another criminal group for protection they would pull out the remnants of this group into the open for them to be dealt with. Tarak laughed as he realized he was used to get them safety, this laugh led to him passing out.[/hider] [hider=Unchained]When he awoke, it had already been sometime and they were about to leave for the Free Worlds League to start a new life there. Once they entered new territory it was time to figure out what they wished to do, and Tarak brought up the idea of starting with bounty hunting, dealing with pirates, simple things to get them notice, and maybe get enough recognition to get better jobs. Once they found a planet to set up shop, they began to figure out what they could do. At first they were unable to find much, the technicians were able to offer their services to some of the BattleMechs on world, yet they were far and few between, many didn't believe in their skill, and many others didn't even need repairs as they haven't seen combat in a while. So they had to start planet hopping, taking up small jobs that they can do, hoping that they could catch a break. It was about another year of this before they were finally able to catch a break, when they caught wind of a bounty on the head of a small pirate band that has been raiding the area. They were small time yet enough of a threat that they needed someone to handle it. Tarak offered to assist and it seemed a few other smaller time groups were willing to hop in if a Mechwarrior was there. Many of them being small time mercenaries. Them having some of their more basic credentials, yet never could get good work. All of them decided to split the reward based upon what some brought, with Tarak bringing not only his mech, another mech, and a small crew on engineers. Using their stronger talkers, the Orphans were able to negotiate a 50% split, which was quite a decent bit of money for starting. As after some quick repairs and maitnence checks on the machines, it was off to hunt down pirates. They were able to track down the pirates to a lone planet, there they landed planet side a few miles out from where they pinpointed the Pirates would be. From there they began to use recon to find that they pirates were well armed with even a Heavy BattleMech of their own, yet they seemed to be very lax at the moment. As once they had their information they began to quickly build a plan, using a multi layered assault, they would have the Mechs lead the charge with multiple layers of fire coming from different angles, they'd barrage the BattleMech and other targets with bombardments. All the while their BattleMechs would be the spear head of the fight, cutting through their vehicles and dealing with the BattleMech. Yet the Battle was anything than what it was hoped to be, many of these mercenaries were ill experienced and often missed many of their marks. Leaving to where Tarak and his brother piloting the Spider to do much of the work. They had to use their quick movements to deal with the smaller vehicles while dodging the BattleMech submerged in a large body of water. Yet as the mech seemed to 'get going' it began to let loose such vicious barrages of laser weapons and rockets that it tore apart the Spider within a few moments and destroying the legs quickly. The only thing that saved Tarak and his nearly dead brother was that the Mercenaries began to be to hit an unmoving target. As they bombarded the Mech, Tarak took the chance to line up a shot and fired his large laser straight through the cockpit of the Mech, killing the pilot in a single shot. Once all the pirates were dealt with, the groups reconvened and began talking about splitting loot. Tarak and the Orphans laid claim to the Mech, most of the others fought over it, yet Tarak set his foot down that not only did they have to clean up the mess they made, but also had serious damage dealt to them because they were unable to deal with the BattleMech because of all the other little fighters and the random fire that could hit them at any point. After this heated argument someone nearly lost their head actually as they tried going for a weapon. As weapons were drawn, Tarak stared them all down and gave a singular warning, "If you think you can beat us, you would have taken those Pirates on you own. We were confident in doing it". As before any blood could be shed, they calmed down and decided to just get their money and go their separate ways. With this it started the story of the Orphans and their leader being a gunslinger willing to draw a gun 20 to 1. Tarak and the Orphans began having jobs become more consistent, as they travelled their name slowly moved with them. They began being able to find work with a bit more consistency, yet it was always for some of the hardest things: Bounty Hunting & Pirate Hunting. These normally aren't considered hard until you take into account they don't follow any forms or rules or engagment. What ever they need to do, what ever they can do, even if it is random armaments not normally found, using the enviroment, even local the locals will be used by these criminals. Often leading to Tarak has often needed to learn and adapt quite quickly to a situation, sometimes it can be something simple like their first pirate hunt, but sometimes it can be they made their home somewhere heavily fortified, they have taken part of a planet hostage, or maybe they are even working with the local planetary defense to raid places more easily. Every engagment often required a different set of mind, which often lead to Tarak needing to learn how to adapt to new enviroments, tactics, weapons, and even mindsets. As no one pirate is the same, yet often they can be predicted based upon the enviroment they are in, what they are known for, and even what area they are found in. Tarak fought in many different systems, worlds, and for different people. If they paid him, he would do the work, and good work he did. Tarak made a name as a one man army, often expected of those from Solaris 7, some of the greatest gladiators had often been contracted as one man shows in comparison to buying out a mercenary group. He was often passed over for the big jobs like taking on bigger targets with larger rewards, after all they only had one true functioning Mechwarrior, their combat effectiveness in full scale war would be laughable at best, yet when dealing with people outside the reach of planets, and too troublesome to handle for a large millitary presence, Desperado is often strolling through town. The Orphans spent a good few years like this, slowly amassing some form of wealth, slowly got some new crew members, mostly people to operate a ship, keep some maitnence, and sometimes people who found themselves aligned someway with the group, they were doing okay for themselves. Yet their big break came when they heard the Green Knights were in the sector. The group made contact with the Green Knights and offered their proverbial sword, they were a capable crew, a Good Mech pilot, and after their work, they came with their own ship.[/hider][/hider] [hr] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/985402701812744232/986006924338278480/unknown.png[/img][/center][hr] [color=gold][b]Equipment:[/b][/color] [hider=Black Phoenix] [center][url]https://www.sarna.net/wiki/Phoenix_Hawk[/url] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/985402701812744232/986082085263536168/unknown.png[/img][/center] [color=gold]Model:[/color] [color=Crimson]PXH-1[/color] [color=gold]Class:[/color] Medium (45 tons) [color=gold]Appearance:[/color] Tarak's Mech was given its name based on the burnt exterior that mech had when he escaped the cusps of his captors. The Black Phoenix had however gotten a change in color pallet as of recent as white and grey are the new fashion Espia seems to sport. However, Tarak still keeps a bit of black showing underneath his Green Knight insignia on the shoulders and directly in the center of the torso. The hand actuators of the 'Mech are also a dark almost burnt black like that of its namesake. While the inside and outside of the fingers of the hand actuators seem to be stripped of the paint as if it is under constant use and wear. [color=gold]Equipment:[/color] Standing at 11 meters tall, the Phoenix Hawk was armed in such a way that it can be used in several different combat roles including command, reconnaissance, and front line duty. The primary weapon on board was a Harmon Large Laser carried in the right arm, giving the 'Mech a weapon which could strike at an enemy at a respectable distance. This was backed up by two Harmon Medium Lasers for close range combat, one in either forearm. Finally, to deter infantry attacks, the 'Mech carried two M100 Heavy Machine Guns, also split between either arm, with one ton of ammunition stored in the center torso. Eight tons of armoring on the Phoenix Hawk gave it acceptable endurance for short combat actions, though not for any sustained brawling. Eight tons of armoring on the Phoenix Hawk gave it acceptable endurance for short combat actions, though not for any sustained brawling. Just ten heat sinks meant the 'Mech had a relatively low heat threshold; green pilots were known to lose their 'Mechs by overtaxing this system overusing their heat-intensive weapons and jump jets. With a 270-rated fusion engine also gave the Phoenix Hawk a solid top speed of 97.75 km/h, and the 'Mech could go from standing still to top speed within the span of 100 meters. Six jump jets split between right and left rear torsos provided a maximum jumping distance of 180 meters. These attributes helped make the 'Mech just as fast and maneuverable as its smaller brethren, the Stinger and Wasp. It is the Phoenix Hawk's electronics, though, which truly helped it perform best as a command 'Mech for recon lances. Its Tru-Trak targeting computer was particularly accurate, while the heavily-shielded BattleCom system could overcome interfering radiation, whether ambient or man-made, that would've shut down other units. Unfortunately, Tarak was not lucky to have ever found a Tru-Trak targeting computer, so he still sticks with his Octagon Tactrac System C that he had always used.[/hider] [hider=Personal Equipment] [color=gold]SERE Kit-[/color] Tarak keeps a SERE(Survival Evasion Resistnace Escape) kit inside his cockpit incase he needs to eject and survive in the wilderness on his own for some time, he has a black hard polymer pack filled with MREs to last him a few days, a broken down [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/985402701812744232/986115213269008475/unknown.png]Semi-automatic carbine[/url] with one 20 round magazine, a suppressed [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/985402701812744232/986113421101641799/unknown.png]hand gun[/url] with one 20 round magazine, a flash light, a canteen filled with 1L of water, a knife, a trauma kit to stabilize wounds and set up broken bones, and a collapsible spade within it. This kit is attached to his seat to keep it from flying about and possibly causing damage while within the cockpit. [color=gold]Combat Gear[/color]- Anytime Tarak enters his Mech, he is always ready for a combat scenario to occur when he is to leave it. So his normal [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/985402701812744232/986128674107572274/unknown.png]combat gear[/url] includes some form of camo clothing fitting to the enviroment, a cooling vest able to take small arms fire and regulated his body temperature to allow for higher survivability inside and outside the cockpit, a pair of gloves, his boots, and some light armoring across his body to more easily take impacts and dampen blows. While on Espia, the armor is a white and grey with heavier layers to combat the cold. He wears this quite often even with the almost sauna like state inside the Mech. [color=gold]Personal Cassette Player[/color]- Tarak loves to use his Personal cassette player, he uses it mostly to listen to music, especially while he is all alone or when on long recon missions. Tarak has a few favorite songs, yet anything that crosses his path are always a must listen to, especially now that they are stuck on a hostile planet, anything new is a god sent. [/hider][/hider]