Luna gave a dirty look at Leo at a certain comment he may have made at her expense. The woman sighed before looking at her Queen and the small woman that she was trying to get to join the game. "You say I'm drunk, but you're looking pretty smashed yourself, Your Majesty." Luna snickered. Much like Queen Sorcha, Luna wasn't taking it easy with the Alcohol either. "I think you're looking a little worse off than I am." The Knightess proudly said, chugging some more. Luna for her part, seemed rather fine except for the quick reddening of her face. "Now, are you going to keep groping poor Miss Fio there or are you going to drink?" Luna smirked again, teasing both Fio and the Queen for the woman's poor hand placement. "Not that it matters much to me I suppose, since I'm not the one Fio is going to get mad at for it." Luna was definitely drunk. Her typical careful word choosing was seemingly gone. Hell, Leo probably knew what would happen if she got too much more drunk. It wouldn't affect many of anyone in the room except the women.