[center][@Mae][/center] While she is no major in the field of mineralogy, Wik knew a big sparkly bunch of gems when she saw them and giddiness filled her little stomach with butterflies or was it this mornings breakfast? It didn't matter because she had more important stuff to do at that moment, like all the stuff she could do with the sparklies before her. At first she wondered if they'd be worth a lot or maybe (gasp) magical! Then the intrepid kobold peered about her surroundings, noting the way the gems glowed and how dark the passage ahead was then she had an idea. [color=f9ad81]"Oh Wik use big shiny to light way, see better!!"[/color] the kobold chirped to herself, then scampering up to a small enough gem feeling quite smart Wik gripped the glow-ie-st outcrop of mineral and tried tugging it.