Alice's tail would stand straight up behind her as she eyed the veritable buffet of precious ingredients growing on that log, eyes sparkling while she started panting like a non-human-dog. She'd have to restrain herself from bounding over to gather stuff, patiently waiting for the boney bachelor to finish explaining the strange feeling of being reanimated, nodding twice as she pondered the implication. [color=ed1c24][b]"Assuming that the 'grip' was necromancy pulling your soul back into your body...maybe the mud around here has something special about it that made the spell incomplete? ...I really wish I knew more myself, but there has to be SOMETHING that reanimated you so far away from Noxiria. Let me go gather that stuff real quick, and I'll bring you to meet with my party. Would you believe me if I said you were way more charming then the guy who hired us? ...By like, a long shot?"[/b][/color] The last part wasn't a joke, since Vincent was kind of a toad by all measures. Especially appearance. Still, Alice would eagerly step her way over to the island and get to picking up the bounty of ingredients the likes of which would probably make Brandy gag, even getting on her knees to really get some of the mushrooms inside of a hollow log. Meanwhile, Sofia was once again forced into a position where the undead woman couldn't help but get a bit flushed as she was carried like a princess. [color=silver][b]"W-Well, this is an efficient way to keep me from being dragged down by the bog...good thinking Brandy,"[/b][/color] she would say before fulfilling her request of folding up part of her shirt, tying it at about an inch below her bra. [color=silver][b]"There."[/b][/color] As the twosome walked, Sofia would keep an eye out for Alice and, upon seeing her, was about to call out until she saw the mud-covered skeleton also approaching Alice. She was about to be ambushed! [color=silver][b]"Brandy, look! Alice is in trouble!"[/b][/color] Sofia didn't have the space needed to draw her bow, and as such would get Brandy's club from her belt, offering it to the Satyr. [color=silver][b]"I knew this place was haunted! ...B-But at least its a skeleton and not a ghost..."[/b][/color]