[color=f7941d][i][center]Do you want to see a photo of my wonderful granddaughter’s art project? …You don’t?... [b]I will give you three seconds to change your mind and keep your face.[/b][/center][/i][/color] [hider=Pride: Setepenre] [color=f7941d][b]Name:[/b][/color] Setepenre “Penny” [color=f7941d][b]Sin:[/b][/color] Pride [color=f7941d][b]Age:[/b][/color] Essentially un-aging. Chronologically about 4000 years old, though most of that was spent in a dormant state. Appearance-wise, she looks to be about 40 years old. [color=f7941d][b]Race:[/b][/color] A being imbued with divine power, somewhere a little toward the demon side on the angel-demon spectrum [color=f7941d][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] In her base form, Setepenre appears as a tall, strong woman with the head of a lioness. She can change her form at will to range anywhere on the spectrum of pure lion to pure human, though maintaining these changes over a prolonged time will cost energy. As a human, “Penny” has dark skin, wild black hair with golden streaks, and golden eyes. She has a scar on her abdomen to mark where a mortal wound once was. [color=f7941d][b]Personality:[/b][/color] First and foremost, Setepenre is proud of and loyal to her family line to a fault. Everyone must know how amazing her children, grandchildren, etc. are – from the acclaimed PhD to the safari’s largest lion to the four-year-old who made a fridge-worthy doodle. She has a tendency to be a helicopter parent, making a big deal out of anyone or anything that has a chance to harm her children even slightly, and acts like the world should bow down and serve her beloved children’s every desire. Her main goal is to build a better life for her family line. Sometimes this results in Karen-like behavior, sometimes vicious violence, and sometimes genuine good/heroic acts to preserve the world her descendants live in. (Yes, Setepenre will recycle the soda can she’s drinking from while she blackmails the school principal.) Other than that, Setepenre is an outgoing, driven, intense person. Her emotions tend to range on a scale of warm to fiery. If you get on her bad side, you are in for a world of pain. If you get on her good side, she will provide all the warm blankets and fresh cookies and tender motherly feelings you could ever need. As long as you give her some time in the conversation to obsess about her descendants, of course. [color=f7941d][b]Background:[/b][/color] Setepenre was born in Egypt around 2000 B.C. She married the pharaoh and quickly rose to prominence as one of his most important wives. The pharaoh was content to keep only a small army for defense and focus on internal improvements. But Setepenre thought of the more glorious Egyptian empire of the past, how disappointed her beloved goddess Sekhmet must be at its decline, and how weak and vulnerable the kingdom would be when her children inherited it. Over time, Setepenre convinced her husband to begin conquering nearby lands. Setepenre’s sons and even the queen herself fought in battle, bolstering the army’s resolve as the empire steadily grew. Then one battle, Setepenre’s oldest son was killed, and herself gravely wounded. The queen chose to be sealed alive in the tomb meant for her husband along with her dead son, in order to continue providing for her son into the afterlife. But rather than die, Setepenre was blessed (cursed?) by the goddess Sekhmet for her ferocious loyalty to family and empire. She became an ageless being, halfway between mortal and immortal, angel and demon. Setepenre remained divinely tethered to her tomb to guard over her family’s legacy and greet each of her loved ones on the road between life and death. After a few timeless decades, the doors stopped opening, new bodies stopped being added. After the last of her royal bloodline arrived, Setepenre raged and wailed until she cried herself to sleep. It was a deep, deep slumber… In the year 1870 A.D., Setepenre was suddenly awakened to the noises of a group of tomb raiders. Setepenre defended her family’s treasure, and that was the last thing any of those thieves ever saw. In the chaos, much of the tomb and its contents collapsed into dust. That’s when Setepenre realized… something had changed. The tether was gone. She could go anywhere. She loved her old empire and family with all her heart, but… she owed it to them to start anew. Over the past 150 years, and with plenty of awkward mishaps, Setepenre has learned to survive and thrive in the modern world. Her first priority was to start a new family, and she has many descendants of either fully-human or fully-lion species, seemingly at random. She spends whatever time she can in fully-human-looking form and has learned to utilize concepts like “mortgage” and “a job,” especially when such things benefit her human children. About 10 years ago, Setepenre was thrilled to hear her grandson got into a prestigious college abroad near The City and many of the family moved with him to The City. They like their new home, though the culture shock led to some overreactions on Setepenre’s part. It seems one of those, uh, angry lion Karen moments caught some attention, as the Detective contacted Setepenre about using her abilities to defend The City from vague evildoers should the need arise. Setepenre wholeheartedly agreed to protect her descendants… and also, y’know, other citizens of The City who happened to be nearby. Besides, she could feel bits of her power start to wane, and she sensed she would need to find some glory in battle soon if she wanted to keep her blessing from Sekhmet… [color=f7941d][b]Skills and Abilities:[/b][/color] Setepenre is ageless and immune to sources of harm that would increase over time such as starvation, disease, and poison. She can change her form to lion, human, or any combination of the two. She can communicate with and command lions. She is a resilient fighting machine with subtle amounts of super-strength, super-speed, super-toughness… though not as much as a person with more concentration in one of those traits. Her roar can cause terror or inspire bravery - but only one at a time, so she’d better pick whichever applies best to each battle. Setepenre is next to useless with firearms but great with swords and knives. She seeks the healing abilities associated with Sekhmet but thus far those prayers have not been answered. Setepenre is also proficient in mundane motherhood skills such as cooking, putting a child's clothes back on, and ignoring a tantrum all at the same time. She has many descendants in various fields, so if there's a random task that needs done or expert knowledge to gain, there's a good 10% chance one of her kin can do it. [color=f7941d][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/color] Setepenre’s primary weakness is the depth of her devotion to her children, and she might be swayed to give into someone’s demands and/or thrown into a blind rage if her descendants are threatened. She could also be easy prey to manipulation by one of her descendants. While Setepenre has a superhuman amount of energy, it does take effort to use her powers, and she could grow exhausted over a long battle. Setepenre is much more resilient than a normal human but could still be killed by large amounts of most types of damage that could kill a human. A more hidden weakness is catnip. Setepenre absolutely cannot resist catnip, and exposure to it will get her stuck in fully-lion form for a couple hours. [color=f7941d][b]Equipment:[/b][/color] Setepenre carries an impressive mom-purse with all the snacks, band-aids, etc. a mom could ever need. She also tends to carry a knife, just in case. She always has an idol of Sekhmet on her. She owns a couple swords but keeps them on display at home whenever she's trying to 'act natural.' [color=f7941d][b]Miscellaneous:[/b][/color] - Setepenre is bisexual and demi-romantic. (I couldn’t make a Pride character during Pride month and NOT make her something in the rainbow, could I?) - She currently has three children living with her: a 17 year old human daughter, a 7 year old three-legged lion son (the AUDACITY to require a PERMIT to care for my disabled son), and a 2 year old human daughter. [/hider]