[center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/83/f2/ab/83f2ab2db9709548f25456c8922630b3.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h1] Klarion the witch boy[/h1][/center] [i]Issue #1.3: Taming the chaos[/i] [hr] When we last saw Klarion, He was held at a gunpoint by an agent of W.A.N.D who introduce herself as Pandora Peters. An organization designed to eliminate supernatural threats. With her straightforward and no-nonsense attitude, Pandora didn't hesitate to pull the trigger and let this moment slip away. The witch boy is a threat to this world and must be dealt with. BLAM!!! The thunderous sound of a single gunshot shakes the very trees within the area, throwing the witch boy off his feet without having a chance to respond. His lifeless body hits face-first into the ground. The black tattooed woman stands tall with a stoned face expression, unfazed by her actions; looking down on the fallen body of her victim. It appears the [url=https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Hellfire_Shotgun#:~:text=Alternate%20Reality%20Versions-,Ghost%20Rider%20(film)%20Universe%20(Earth%2D121347),to%20him%20by%20Carter%20Slade.]rider's shotgun[/url] did the trick. DING DING the witch is dead. "Sir, the target has been neutralized..." Pandora said in the comms. "Partially yes, Excellent work, agent pandora. His soul has been delivered to the underworld as we speak." A British voice replied through the radio. The one who orchestrated it all. "Proceed to phase two of the contingency plan, He is much of a loose canon, perhaps this is the only way to 'tame' his unpredictable actions." He added. "Keep the cat alive while I go fetch the witch boy, We don't want him to lose his anchor to this world." "Understood, Mr. Blood" Pandora briefly answered, looking down at the witch boy's pet. *meow* The orange cat tilt his head. Distraught and concerned, Teekl continuously phases around his fallen master, poking him with his snout, trying to wake up Klarion but to no avail. The witch boy no longer walks the mortal realm. [hr] [center][h1]Hell[/h1][/center] [center][img]https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/scale_medium/1/15776/661687-hell3.jpg[/img][/center] [i]Aggh, Karp.. My head hurts, What was in that gun? Did she just straight out blast me without any second thought? what a bitch.. Ugghh, where am i? why am I tied up? Oh right, this is the last place I want to be.. [/i] Hell. The witch boy finds himself in the plane of the damned and is being auctioned into the high roller of the underworld. This version of hell stems from the Judeo-christian archetype; Where its landscape is filled with fire and brimstone, a lake of boiling lava flowing from every corner, and all that jazz the biblical scriptures describing it. A place where demons and fallen angels of all shapes and sizes reside and have built a civilization mirroring the human world. Where souls are its premium currency: sold, traded, and keeping the economy progressing. The rarer the individual is, the more precious its soul's value is. This part of hell is more civilized and tame than the others. [b]"Now demongents and demoness, Up next is something special to sink your fangs into, A wicked Wiccan soul who practices the dark arts, a brat who sins aplenty, and a decedent from a race of primordial witch people. The whole package i would say! Surely this being of chaos would be quite the catch to your collection.. May I present to you, Klarion the witch boy!"[/b] A devil dress in a plaid auctioneer suit exclaimed, presenting Klarion to the court as the spotlight shifted to the stage and into the bounded Witch boy. [color=00aeef]"Lemme go, you ugly horned brutes, demons are supposed to serve witches and warlocks, not the other way around!"[/color] defiant till the end, Klarion continues to squirm in his shackles as he is being presented to the crowd. Even with his hands tied, Klarion realizes that his magic has not been thwarted and saw this opportunity to escape. He gathered all of his energy to blast the demons around him with his magic in an attempt to flee. [color=00aeef]"Ha! Know your place hellspawn, I'm leaving this dump.. See you, losers! [/color] Klarion maniacally laughs and freed himself from his shackles and began to levitate above them. Before Klarion makes his untimely escape through the sky, He was intercepted by several flying imps rushing in from all sides, weighing him down, overpowering him by their numbers, and pinning him to the ground. [b]"Psst, Not cool kid, serve your eternal damnation and work with me here.. ye? you don't want to get the big boss get all riled up and have a leash over your rotten soul now wouldya?"[/b] The auctioneer whispered to the fallen witch boy. [color=00aeef]"Dang It!"[/color] reluctantly admitting defeat, Klarion frowned and kept his piece, subdued by the enforcers of hell. The demonic audience mumbled and chattered about what just happened. They were stunned and at the same time enticed by the unruly witch's capabilities to do magic that defies the laws of their realm. Truly a soul worthy of their collection. [b]"Sorry about that little show folks, Quite the fiesty little runt isn't he? surely a price like this would even match Lord Lucifer's caliber of monstrous pets.. Let's start the auction, bidding starts at fifty souls.. do i hear sixty?" [/b] The auctioneer said, official starting the bidding. "sixty. do i hear seventy.." "one hundred, a hundred offer for the fine gentlemen with the single horn" "two hundred.. do i hear two fifty?" "three hundred" The denizens of hell competes for the possession of Klarion. Each offer gets higher than the other which puts a grin on the auctioneer's face. They must really want this teenage witch. "five hundred.. do i hear 550.. 550?" [b]"One old god soul" [/b]A resounding offer breaks through the noise and caught everyone's attention. [b]"One soul for the witch boy's head, in exchange for one Old God dead,"[/b] The demon prince said rhyming, raising his number high in a dignified manner. All were dead silent as they cannot match the aristocrat's offer of a divine soul. It is clear that this auction has declare a definitive winner. "A celestial soul you say? my, how generous of you to make this offer.. Going once, Going twice, Sold to the yellow-skinned demon prince.. Lord Etrigan!" The demon auctioneer yelled out and bangs his gavel repeatedly signaling the auction is now officially close. The rhyming demon has legally won and has gained ownership of Klarion's soul. Klarion's face grew pale by the second, still in disbelief.. trying to process what the hell just happened. Did i just got sold like a piece of meat and is now in eternal servitude to my own worst enemy? [color=00aeef]"Ughh.. this is so degrading.."[/color]