[CENTER][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7s0nIxBLZio][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220320/a8c98542c33b17c1d2336925571637ab.png[/img][/url][/center] A boy emerged clad in armor remarkably similar to the appearance of the robots that had assaulted Terra earlier. He was apparently aware of this, and tried to dissuade their fears by blaming their appearance on an alternate-self, but Terra was not entirely convinced. So far, this one and America were the most suspicious in her mind. She tried to not let it show. "[color=fff200]Terra is my name, not, like, my superhero name.[/color]" She paused, realizing what she just said. "[color=fff200]Well, not like I'm a superhero, anyway. My dad would flip if I started calling myself one.[/color]" Terra was hoping that these teenagers, seemingly teen superheroes, could relate to her experience of having a superhero for a parent. Might grease the wheels in getting them to open up about who they were and where they came from. [quote=@udonoodles] [color=e7a62f]"Does anyone have any plans for 'Iron Lad', or shall I start flushing bits of myself down the toilet?”[/color][/quote] Hearing this, Terra looked at Jasper incredulously, and said, "[color=fff200]Good plan if you want to end up trapped in a septic tank. Or dumped into an incinerator. Does your Earth not have starships?[/color]" Looking over to the others, she asked aloud, "[color=fff200]Anyone here ever been on a spacecraft? Show of hands?[/color]" She raised her own hand.