And so the drinking contest began. One would assume that the two taller women, with their size advantage and the fact they drank more frequently, would have an easy win in this situation. And yet perhaps that assumption would be mistaken. For, no matter how much she drank, Fio did not seem in the least bit intoxicated. Indeed, even after polishing off several mugs of alcohol, there wasn't the faintest flush on her face. She didn't sway or slur her words. No, she seemed quite comfortable, and composed, simply watching the Queen and Luna silently. It should be common knowledge that the Sword Witch rejected alcohol for a reason. And yet, in this case, she was drinking mug after mug without the slightest bit of concern. The drunker her opponents got, the more smug Fio's expression became. By the time they had each drank a considerable amount, she was practically radiating arrogance. At with the final drink, the Sword Witch slammed her mug down, hopping to her feet with a grin. "Wahahahahaha!" she couldn't contain herself. There was no doubt, her plan had went off without a hitch! "You said this was a drinking contest, right?" she asked, cocking her head towards the Queen, then Luna in turn, "But, you never specified what we had to drink! Didn't you know? Water purification spells are common knowledge for any self-respecting mage!" Certainly, if she'd been asked to purify any large amount of liquid at once, it would have been far beyond her reach. But purifying just what was in the mug, one at a time? It was child's play for an accomplished practioner of magic like herself! This was their punishment, to drink themselves into the world's worst hangover the next morning, when they never had a chance of beating her in the first place! [@Rune_Alchemist][@Pyromania99]