[@Cao the Exiled] Deedra will teleport in next to the cart, so first IC post has that info. Although the cart is a bit messy right now, it still has supplies on. I was debating letting people teleport in next to other mates now, but that's what spending a charge of the Bastion gem is for. So if you wanted, you could teleport to another character if you like the look of where they are/what they're doing/want to hang out. You'll want to probably pick up a few wands at the cart at the very least, there's also rations and standard adventuring gear among the items. Other then that, go nuts! Here's what the other characters are up to: Marcus is testing wands near the starting location, by Carl and the cart. There is a stream nearby leading to a Waterfall Dungeon. Wik is in the Waterfall Dungeons by some glowing crystals. Mal is in the South, standing on a hill overlooking the Barrowlands. There are many tombs to be raided here. Daniel is heading deeper into the forests. He has found some animal tracks.