[center][color=wheat][u][h1]Overview[/h1][/u][/color] [IMG]https://i.etsystatic.com/25271090/r/il/eb1656/3668719883/il_794xN.3668719883_p2ev.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [hr][color=wheat][b]Setting[/b][/color] This roleplay is based on an alternate universe of the canon setting of the show [i]Avatar: The Last Airbender[/i]. Years of rising tensions between the powerful Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom made war seem inevitable. It was the secret love between Fire princess Akemi and Earth Prince Hao that unleashed it. Three years have passed since the start of this devastating war in the absence of an Avatar. [hr][color=wheat][b]Locations[/b][/color] [indent] [hider=Goju City] [center][img]https://img-www.newhanfu.com/wp-content/uploads/thumb/2021/05/fill_w720_h480_g0_mark_Timeline-of-Ancient-China-From-Shang-to-Tang-Dynasty-0.jpg[/img][/center] A minor Earth Kingdom city under occupation of the Fire Nation, located along the west coast. It is a major trade port, and best-known for their fabrics and colourful dyes. It is vital to the war efforts of the Fire Nation, as it serves as a key harbor in their supply route to forces further inland. [/hider] [/indent]