[quote=Burthstone] Heh, I remember that quest. However, while normally I'm inclined towards the arcane, the most magical thing that could possibly happen in this RP would be meeting an Akin'Is, which is most likely NOT going to happen. (And BTW, I have updated the gods/goddesses section.) [/quote] I updated my CS. I haven't bothered with the arcane yet, it hasn't struck my interest much. Molag Bal's quest gets on my nerves sometimes because if you tell him that you see 'An Altar' you have to rescue the guy from a HUGE forsworn camp, but if you say you see 'A Rusted Mace' you only have to go to a small forsworn camp which consists of only two forsworn. I wish you could interact with the Altar more though, performing rituals would be a nice add on. Namira's quest was pretty awesome too since you get to become her champion, dunno why but I seem to always be attracted towards the EVIL side of things eventhough I've been raised quite the opposite lol