[quote=@Lugubrious] The sheet seems good. The backstory was tough to wrap my head around, but I assume that's just a product of a more abstract sort of game, so that's just my problem. I just have a couple questions about his abilities. Do the emotions Omori inflicts have any gameplay effect, like debuffs, or are they just emotions? Does 'initially in a battle' mean 'once per battle'? [/quote] - Yeah, I intent for him to "not succumb" only once per battle, can't remember if it applies to his original game, but I'd rework it that way anyways. - The emotions have both buffs and debuffs, and can counter one another. I added a link to the chart shown in game to reference off it. (I.E. Anger buffs one's attack but lowers their defense, and is weak against happiness. [i]edit: Read it wrong, it's happiness, not sadness. I blame my tired brain.[/i]) - Yeah, the game in itself can be rather abstract, so that's a reasonable reaction. I do plan on expanding on the background once Omori finds his real self.