Mal scratches his chin, squinting his eyes at the barrows before him. Calmed by the leisurely walk and the babbling brook, his normally cool reserve was maintained even as he stepped in the dank, foreboding area. Mal had not seen many signs of life, but he wasn't a ranger or huntsman. He knew he was in the right place, but he needed to make certain he was prepared before he tomb delved. He decided to make various moves. Firstly, he made his way down the hill carefully, making sure no one was watching with his ever moving eyes. He wasn't the most physically adept specimen, but he had a good head on his shoulders and a young body. Once he made it to the bottom, he surveyed the barrows, judging each by how easily it would be to delve into and the iconography to see if any looked to be of particular notice or esteem. Next, he began to weave a strap for himself with a ten foot section of the rope he had acquired. He needed free range of movement with his limbs in order to be effective. All the while he contemplated on which tomb or barrow he might search within, hoping he could nab something quick and easy before he made his way to civilization where there was wine and woman.