[center][b][h1]The Return of Magic - An intro.[/h1][/b][/center] [center][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/XOnwTVg.jpg[/IMG][/center] [center]Magical was once as essential to the development of mankind as fire or even the wheel. The witches and warlocks of our past worked hard to uplift their fellow humans and push them forward toward the future. However, as you know, our history books make no mention of our magically adept ancestors. There is no mention of the great wonders they built or the evil they vanquished and banished away. This is by design. Those who could not wield the magic felt jealous, afraid even, by those who could and hunted them to extinction. It has been a thousand years since the last spell was cast, five hundred years since the last authentic trial, and one hundred years since those who's bloodline was devoted to the murder of magic sheathed their blades and considered their quest completed. Yet magic stirs once more in the realm of mortals. A new day dawns on a new generation of witches and warlocks, and only questions remain. Are they ready for the perils that await them? The monsters of the night that have been locked away seek to break the chains that bound them? Most importantly, would they be ready to stand up to the whole of humanity and face the wrath of their fear? These questions will not be answered overnight. As such, an invitation was sent to each of those that the magic returned to, inviting them to a place where they can learn to harness their powers. They should do well to learn quickly. In the quiet corners of the internet, people have begun to report strange creatures, and people have started to disappear randomly. Could it be a coincidence, or could the return of magic be tied to something much more sinister? ** Howdy ** Hey! Whale here looking to do a magic-themed RP. The basic premise is magic was once a natural part of our world. After years of hunting the witches and warlocks to extinction, magic, among other things, disappeared seemingly for good. Now that magic has returned, and with it the monsters of old, a new era of witches and warlocks much arise to the challenges. I plan to allow players to have some liberty with the magic their character can wield, but remember that you *just* got these powers. You will not be powerful yet. Let me know if anyone has any questions! I am aiming for 4-6 players and could be happy to start with more or less than that![/center] [center][hider=The Lore that is given] Humanity has long benefited from magic, even if it has been dormant. In the early years, those who could wield the magic helped propel the human race toward the future. Those who could wield the water magic helped spread life in the most inhospitable places, while wind mages helped humanity sail the seas. While humanity benefited greatly, their lack of powers led to a distrust of magic kind. As this distrust grew, so did fear. As the fear dwelled in the hearts of man, so too did anger. Eventually, this hostile atmosphere blew up in the year 1200 BC, and a great war was fought all across the globe. Water mages flooded fields, fire mages rained hell, and force mages crushed whole armies inside their armor of bronze. Though as powerful as they were, humanity had numbers and could weather the storm and eventually win. What followed was centuries of hunts that led to the eradication of magic and all its users. This did not stop those whose purpose was to find, capture and kill warlocks and witches. If anything, these hunters grew even more wicked and cruel in their search. Many innocent lives were lost at the pyre, and many more lived in fear of these monstrous humans and their ways. Everything wrong can eventually give way to what is good. The hunts ended nearly a hundred years ago, and those who devoted their lives to eradicating any trace of magic were able to leave that life behind and join the modern world.[/hider][/center] [center][hider=The Lore that is Learned] The hunters were very thorough in their mission to eradicate magic and all traces of its existence. You will find it hard to learn any information about the magical world, and what you see may be impossible to decipher. There are tomes that may offer insights into your magic powers and they could help turn the tide against the enemies we will face. Thus far, we have not encountered much in the way of our mystical foes. That will change. As we discover and defeat our enemies, we will learn how to best them again. [/hider][/center] [center][hider=The People We Meet] Thus far the only name of mention is the mysterious benefactor. Their name, motives, and appearance are all a mystery,[/hider][/center] [center][hider=Important Places] [h2]A Cabin in the Woods[/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/oAoN25u.jpg[/img] The mansion where we start our journey is a run-down, old victorian style mansion. Vines snake around the outside of the estate, the wooden floor has grown weak and creaky, and the air inside feels stagnant and pungent. Nature has already begun to take back what was once hers and hers alone. The mansion bellows disturbing energy as if someone or something is always watching out from the windows. Inside, you may hear strange sounds that can not be explained. The strangest of most is the size of the doors and passageways. The inside and outdoor frames tower above most others at fifteen feet tall. Was this a style choice, or was this place built for a massive occupant?[/hider][/center] [center][hider=Magic and combat] How does magic work? Magic will work on a similar level to most skills. To master it, you must hone it through practice and experience. At the start, you can do a few things, but throughout the story, you will be able to expand. A fire mage can conjure the fire, a wind mage can push enemies away, and a water mage can change the course of a river without a single thought. To use these powers, it will be less chanting and more doing. Like running, you do not need to think about the action to act on it. Thus, your usage of magic will be something you can [i]do[/i] without much in the way of it. As you progress through the magic, there may come a time when you have to use a spell book, a chant, or even a prepared spell to achieve a higher level. At all times, you can run the risk of over-exerting your magic. Like running, you can hurt yourself if you try to run too fast for too long. The damage can be minor or very bad if you try to push through the pain. A fire mage could feel their temperature rising at the start, but the magic can quickly spiral out of control consuming the fire mage in a blazing inferno. A force mage could find their body breaking under the stress of their magic. This risk is true for all schools of magic. Combat will be a simple "I take this action" on your part, followed by my response to the action. Each enemy and monstrous foe will have a weakness that the player can exploit. That said, you may not be able to brute force your way through an encounter, and brute force could spell trouble. If there are ten enemies in front of the party, and you rush in the middle of them trying to do something extraordinary, that may be problematic for your character. Don't do stupid stuff! Death is something I will reserve but potentially could bring out for PC during the story.[/hider][/center] [center][hider=Rules] 1. Thou shall not control another character unless permission is granted. 2. Thou shall not argue. 3. Thou shall not overlook these rules. 4 Thou shall know our enemies called you stupid. 5. Thou shall know I want to know if you agree. 6. Thou shall know I want a PM with your response. 7. Thou shall have fun. [/hider][/center] [center][hider=CS][b]Name:[/b] [i][picture][/i] [i]"Character quote"[/i] [b]Gender: [/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Appearance: [/b] What does your character look like? What do they wear? Images work in conjunction, but I ask that we do not use overly anime or cartoon-styled pictures. It is not a hard rule, so feel free to use said pictures if that is what you want for your character :) [b]Personality:[/b] [i]{Three}{charater}{traits}[/i] Please include a concise description of who your character is. [b] History: [/b] [i]{Acomplishments}{and}{failures}{equal}{amounts}[/i] Be as detailed as you'd like. I would include all pertinent information about what your character has done or has been through. Keep in mind these characters are from the modern world and, for the most part, will have lived a life that is not mystical. While that is quickly changing, the base point remains! Please also include what it was like for them when they got their powers and how they learned they had them! [b]Equipment: [/b] Any item they carry :) [b]Magic:[/b] What magic does your character have? What can they do with it currently? I would like enough information to know what your powers are and what weaknesses you feel are appropriate. We are going to start limited with these powers and grow into them. Below, you will find an example used in my own CS. Example: Alora's magic allows her to exert control over plant life. Thus far, she can manipulate her green friends to grow at a faster rate, sway on command, and can magically graft one plant onto another. This ability has grown stronger since she was first gifted her powers. At the start, she could only command a plant to follow her hand. As the weeks turned into a month, Alora noticed that she was becoming in tune with the plant life. While she can not see through them nor hear, she can get a glimpse of what they feel around them. What scents are in the air, and what grounds have been stepped on. These powers come with downsides, as all do. The more Alora tries to exert her control over plants, the more lost she can become in the networks of green life. There is a near-infinite number of plant life in a forest, from the pedals of grass to the massive mycelium colonies buried deep in the ground and all the pollen in the air. If she spends too long in tune with nature, her mind may as well be lost in it. As well, when she first discovered and started to use her power, she over-exerted herself. Her skin began to harden for a brief moment and appeared like bark. Alora would do well to avoid prolonged use of her powers, as one can not see the forest if one is a tree. [/hider][/center] [center][hider=Invitation Letter][center][h3] To whom it may concern, [/h3][/center] [center] Welcome to a world unlike any other. You have noticed that you have a magical gift and may be wondering how I have located you. Let's say I, too, am gifted in the mystic arts. It is important to note that you are the first generation of warlocks and witches our world has seen in thousands of years. This development is an exciting time for you, me, and humanity. Not all will see it this way, and not all that is magical will be a friend. As magic has returned, so too have the creatures that the mages of old banished. If I can sense you, so too will the hunters. You are now in danger, and your life will be different forever. I extend an invitation. I offer a tutor to help you in your magical journey and a safe place to conduct these affairs. Enclosed you will find the address and a prepaid card. Use this money and make your way to 666 Mystic Lane, North Reading, MA. May your journey be safe, ~Benefactor[/center][/hider][/center]