The mysterious man slipped behind an iron wall and then disappeared from her view. The column of light from her glasses melted the wall he had erected into grey paste. In seconds, there is nothing left but the smell of burnt metal. Sophia’s eyes look for traces of the man in the smoldering remains. She does not think the stranger has died. He had the gift of bending metal and had attacked her first. This means the man is confident in his abilities. He should not have died so easily. Sophia acts with caution. She walks forward, wrapping herself in her wave which is still pressing down on the liquid metal used to attack her earlier. Though Sophia is flamboyant and can act silly she is not stupid. She has the body of a normal human girl. This fact is ingrained in her head. Her wave is her first and only defense. If something heavy from the ceiling suddenly fell on her or if a little piece of metal flew and stabbed her in the chest. She would die. Her mortality is very humbling and present in her thoughts. Little red orbs fly through the air in front of Sophia’s face. They are very small and fast; the size of a drop of rain. They are moving so fast that they look like buzzing flies. The concerning thing about them is that they are so many of them. Like a cloud of bees ready to sting. This must be one of the man’s metal bending powers. So he is not dead after all. The little beads attack Sophia from different angles, but her wave catches them all. The beads stick to the invisible wave like glue and are held in place. A few beads penetrate deeper than others, but in the end her wave is too strong. None come within arm’s reach of her body. Even though her wave is her only defense, it is an impressive defense. This is why even when facing a snake a hundred times bigger than herself she is not worried about her life, but the condition of her hair. She is also not that concerned about the man’s powers either. The only thing that worries her is whether she will be hit when her wave is not around her. Getting distracted means death. So she cannot afford to get distracted in this fight. Lighting then hits her from behind. She can feel electricity zapping the air around her as it strikes the wave surrounding her. This feeling is familiar and she manipulates the wave to divert the lightning to the side. Her wave is like a rushing river. It can not only exert pressure, but direct things away. It washes the lightning off to the side. Again none of the lightning comes close to touching her clothes. She remains unscathed, frustratingly so if the man meant to hurt her. She can see the man behind her and conjures up a lightning storm of her own. Her wave has no power on its own. Instead she converts energy from her surroundings through touch into her own special malleable power. In this case, the awkward karaoke backpack on her back supplies the power. It has a battery life of five hours. Several hours of which were spent fighting the snake. This does not mean she has no way of creating the wave on her own, but it does mean she cannot surround herself in a bubble if the fight lasts too long. She siphons a bit of the energy in her karaoke box out in the form of electricity and projects it towards the man. The second property of her power is that it can magnify any energy source several times over. She showed this power when she used the little lights on her glasses. Changing a small power into a big power. That is its second ability. The lightning is different from the shock that the man sent towards her. It is a white hot flash capable of ionizing the air. Even it didn’t hit you it could cause the normal human being to combust just from the heat from the passing particles. A quick instantaneous death. That is what the girl wants to happen since she knows the longer the fight drags on the more risks there will be to her defenses. She also relies on the fact that the man is wearing armor to attract the lightning. She does not need to aim, only shoot in the general direction. The attack will chase him like lightning to a lightning pole.