The Tanuki ignored what the spider bit back with. "Whaaaattt~?" Shina cooed as Akari mentioned that she couldn't hit ghosts with her fist. "I'm pretty sure your Mama was all about that in the past." She gave a small kiss on the forehead and then put the alcohol in the girl's hand. "None of the urban legends I'm aware of kidnap kids. Most of them just tear them into gruesome messes that I don't want to be around." Shina swatted away any spider that was in her hair at this point and poofing into a smoke cloud. When the smoke quickly disappeared, she had transformed herself into a pale woman with long hair covering her face (also taking care of any spider web in the process.) "Am I beautiful?" She said, slowly walking up to Hina in an exaggerated fashion. "No? Then die!" Shina said, putting her arm out toward Hina before stopping mid-way. "Or something like that." Another cloud of smoke and she was back to normal. "Anyway, you all can only think about hitting things. A lot of these urban legend type deals you just have to outsmart them." Shina mused, "That aside, Tomoko-chan mentioned Spirit Invocation~ How exciting~ I mean, I'm just here because Tomoko-chan 'convinced' me to so just about anything is exciting compared to sitting around~ Come on, Akari. Let's finish up the drink~ Or should I help you~" The woman teased, making fun of the small girl a small bit. "I'm all ready when you are Tomoko-chan~"