The past few days passed in a blur for Ashe. She remembered arriving into Roh, traveling around for a bit in search for a mercenary camp where a very skilled warrior was supposed to be. Hoping for more training with her sword skills, she travelled all the way to the desert as that's how she used to make use of her time. One mercenary camp to the next. Felt sometimes like her search for the wonderous magicians never ended but merely changed. Soon after she met the mercenary, Manzur and asked for training but before a decision was taken by him, the camp got attacked by another demonkin. Next thing she knew, everything went black and woke up a bit after in the watchtower that loomed over the camp. A bit dizzy and with some pain in her midsection, Manzur brought her up to speed with what happened and when Manzur left to help the newcommers fight off the undead. She watched with interest as much as she could from her vantage point the battle and when it ended, she went down the watchtower to meet their saviours just in time to hear the last bit of Cicero's sentence. "[color=yellow] Greetings! Thanks for the save and yes, I can be trusted. My name's Ashe.[/color]" with that she made a small bow and then removed her facemask.