[img=http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20081228205857/starshiptroopers/images/8/86/MI_flag_small.jpg] [b]In the 23rd century, insect-like creatures, known as Arachnids, launch an unprovoked attack on Earth. Using an asteroid as a weapon, they kill millions of people in an instant. In response, the Terran Federation begins a massive military campaign to eliminate the Arachnid threat. The primary weapon of the Federation is the Mobile Infantry. These highly trained soldiers are deployed via drop ships onto the battlefield and do battle with the bugs up close. [/b] Okay, I’m a huge fan of the movies and animated series, and I’ve been dying to do something in the S.T. Universe. Now there were two ways I was thinking of going with this, either: You’re a member of Sabre 7-2-6, a Mobile Infantry platoon, carrying out missions in campaigns throughout the galaxy. OR We each command a squad as part of a larger M.I. division and either carry out joint or independent operations. I’ve got a bunch of ideas for missions etc, but I’m also open to suggestions. So what say you? Is anyone interested?