“Ha!” Baran let out a booming laugh that got a few curious looks purely due to the noise of it. “Yeah, that sounds like him.” He’d agree with a smile. “Had a similar sort of first introduction, I was pulling shrapnel out of my teeth for days because of it.” “And nah, same room as everyone else.” Would be his answer. “Giz lives there though, so pretty sure we’ve got a few things that aren't normally a part of the rooms. Unless your stove is also an intruder defense system as well?” He’d ask, but the look on his face was rather apparent that he doubted it. “Either way, we’re down in 314.” He’d add on with a nod towards the hallway. Though from what Jinny had seen that did mean that their room was on a lower floor. “What class do you have after this?” Baran would go on to ask, most of his food eaten at this time, but he was taking his time with the last of it, mainly fruits. “I’ve got Algebra two.” He’d offer with a grimace.