[b]Birsi[/b] Letting go of her arms to stop the pain is not a thought that even crossed her mind, the Guardswoman holding herself together as solid as she could. Like a ship being battered by a storm, she weathered the strikes, the dancing, the humiliation… She had refused to break. Every muffled yelp from her ass being struck hard didn’t count, as the sound helped her to refocus herself and keep from cracking. Besides… This wasn’t as bad as Palace Guard Orientation. Hell, the night before was less than this. Pinned to the wall, that stranger in strange armor prevented the idea that she was trying to make via a stolen kiss and a hard grasp on the backside, an indignant tactic that bought her captor enough time to bind her rapidly with rope, then… The night was a blur after that, so many scents and sounds assaulted her mind, almost like now. The difference? She had a full night to adapt to this, most of her discomfort being from the strain and exhaustion due to her position. So when Birsi hears that doorway open up, her eyes don’t shake in fear or sluggishly roll over to the wide hipped figure, they lock onto her with a trained precision. Her breathing picked up a bit, for she’d need the air to help her get through this process. Hearing the question of if she would answer some questions, she would think it over. She could try to use this for leverage, a chance to get back to the Palace and give information back to Hai Lin. With a determined look that tried to salvage as much of her remaining dignity as possible, she nodded a ‘Yes.” to the wide hipped woman. [hr][hr] [b]Silisla Om[/b] Silsila slowly sits up, one hand going to her forehead. Ugh. Is someone trying to contact her? At [b]this[/b] hour? Well, maybe it was reasonable, but not for Silsila. Not after a fire wheel rampage. Hei Lin's name in her head, Silsila mentally quashed the noise like a meaty fist slamming an alarm. She had topped too many Fire Warriors last night to even think about the palace guards. ...oh, wait, wasn't she doing something with the palace guards last night...?