[img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2c/83/19/2c831928f3f3c4b61629d4871feb9ee7.png[/img] Credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/397231629639535354/ [i]~Basic Info~[/i] Name: Gorthog gro-Bhizra Gender: Male Age: 27 Species: Orc [hider=~Level One~] Experience Needed: 0/100 (x = the highest point of a skill) Might: 0/4 Finesse: 0/6 Knowledge: 0/4 Charm: 0/4 Magic: 0/4 [/hider] HP: 10/10 [hider=~Total Armor Pool~] (1d6 + 1d2) Finesse Die= 1d6 Armor Die= 1d2 [/hider] [i]~Primary Stats~ [/i] Might: 1d4 Finesse: 1d6 Knowledge: 1d4 Charm: 1d4 Magic: 1d4 [i]~Equipment Stats~ [/i] Weapon(s): Handwraps: Trash, Weapon, Two-Handed, 1d3 Finesse Armor: Cloth Armor: Cheap, Armor, Light, +1d2 Armor Pool [i]~Traits~ [/i] Strict Discipline (Finess Weapons): Whenever using a Finess Weapon, you gain a +1 to Combat Challenges [i]~Backpack~ [/i] None [i]~Spellbooks~ [/i] None