Continuing the comments here with [@Aeolian]. [i]O, dearest Aeolian. I hope this finds thee well.[/i] It would be cool to write everything in Miltonian prose, but I'm afraid it would take a while, heh. You know what I think about when I read your posts? I think that this writer is also a GM. There is a distinct yet subtle difference between players and GMs being a player in another roleplay. People that are comfortable as GMs tend to have a sense for what they can and cannot do in someone else's game, which is a true delight to have. I have this fleeting memory of seeing you run your own game at one point, but I can't seem to find it—just my imagination, perhaps. Anyway, your writing is the [i]perfect[/i] mixture of concise and flowery prose to the point where I actually feel envy. How you create lore, drive your own plot devices, build your character, and take command of NPCs is just mind blowing to me—it is [i]so[/i] well done. I feel really bad for shitting all over the 'Bleak' games, so I certainly won't waste your presence in this.